I didn't like this game as a Modern Warfare tbh. I felt like every misson is just only about killing enemies. Game spawns a lot of enemies and you kill them. It just doesn't end. First MW has that Chernobly misson, second one has that Ice climbing one and many other missons. But I could'nt have that much fun playing this game. Except the mission we were sneak in to the castle. That was the only misson that I really loved playing. In general it was a mid game but at least it doesn't have a game breaking bug. Other than that storyline has some ups and downs. After this part it contains spoilers:

I didn't find the way characters die natural. The way Soap dies, the way Sandman dies and the way Yuli dies is just feels like, story writers wanted to kill them just because it makes it look like Cpt. Price sacrificed too much to kill Makarov. Also the way Makarov dies is obviously unsatisfying. Makarov is a man of strategy, he was an awesome villian. And the way he dies is just meaningless. Real makarov would not die like this...

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2023
