94 Reviews liked by zachmaycry

damn bitch you live like this??!?!!!?

Like playing through an episode of Bob’s Burgers

at the time of Army Of Two, 50 Cent blood in the sand, Stranglehold, Homefront, Uncharted or even the first Kane & Lynch, commercial video games seemed to point to a mindless mass future in which firearms and killings in suburvial environments no longer than 6 hours , with a compulsory multiplayer it sounded like money and almost all of them celebrated themselves unaware of their imperialist premises.
I have always had a fascination for suburban spaces as a setting for drama or action, but I am a bit pissed off by the approaches that see them as a simple playground for violence or misery pornography, which is exactly how it is usually seen under American lenses.
so why not crash the van into the avenue of American shooter and, for once, honestly present what happens here? no context no motivation no satisfaction, just a graphic document in Shanghai, a city often seen by Westerners as a playground for pleasure or shady business, with a conscious camera alerted to cinematic intentions and aesthetically unsightly, ireespectful with the eyes and the hands of the player but, curiously, more visually respectable with the deaths, censoring genitals and disfigurements (taking notes Naughty Dog?) and I don't know what the hell is wrong with the sound.
maybe because the IO interactive anthology doesn't know many more verbs than "kill", you know, the hitman saga, freedom fighters (lol) and they know it, they wanted to take a chance with an exercise on the shame of some "antiheroes" in a "field of games"

Also, play Reciever, it is good and also faithfully presents the use of a firearm

What if shooter but was an incursion to hell.

The most present and conscious camera I've seen. No climax, no build-up, no conclusion, no nothing. Just a disgusting reality permeating the experience.

Also, WTF is up with the sound design and soundtrack?????