i know john milius was involved but it feels like red dawn - and subsequently michael bay's the rock for some reason - was an influence but only after it was filtered through from the references modern warfare 2 made to the material two years prior. everything about this feels like modern warfare 2 but traced over. or like modern warfare 2 gave the homefront kid its homework to copy and said but make it look like your own. homefront was like sure and then forgot.

definitely going to give this game points for trying. there are real world references to banal American institutes such as White Castle and Hooters. the game openly references hillary clinton and kim jong il (and kim jong un). i think it's neat considering how out of their way games go to make up their own in-universe parallels so it's refreshing to see a game trying to actually "be real".

not worth a lot by the end though. game is very shallow and its premise is like every american conservative's victimisation wet dream. "finally, we're being oppressed and have a reason to fight back". give me a break. maybe more interesting if it were set in canada or australia.

nice shooting though.

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2021
