Log Status






Time Played

19h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 22, 2020

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Okay deep breaths

I finished this game earlier today, and while I usually don’t write reviews, I really wanted to with this one. Ever since the first LIS game came out, I’ve paid close attention to everything DONTNOD’s been dropping, as I thoroughly enjoyed the first game. I played LIS: Before the Storm as well, but I have to be honest and say that it wasn’t very memorable, as I can’t tell you what it was about without looking it up.

I don’t know what I expected from this game going in, but I didn’t expect to be on such a rollercoaster ride of emotions throughout it. Apart from the, at times, “hella awkward” dialogue (it wouldn’t be a LIS game without it, let’s be real), this was really good. It had a good soundtrack, it was beautiful to look at, and the story was well-written in my opinion. But what really drew me in, was the relationship between the Diaz brothers.

The older, protective brother Sean and the younger, adoring brother Daniel really managed to pull at all of my heart strings. I don’t want to go into much detail because I want you to experience it all for yourself with little to no spoilers, but this game will make you smile, cry, gasp, get mad – name an emotion and you’ll probably experience it. Every scene between the brothers made me love them even more – they’re beautiful, painful, raw, funny… They have conflicts, deep-running ones at that, but there’s so much love there, and it’s so evident.

Listen, maybe I’m biased. I’m a sucker for brothers in general. There’s something about how media portrays brothers a lot of the time that just gets to me. I kept seeing similarities between the Diaz brothers and the Winchester brothers from Supernatural (which is my favorite show, and Sam and Dean are my favorite brothers), and that made me love the game even more, even if there’s also (obviously) clear distinctions between them and their stories.

In my opinion, this is the best LIS game to date. I hope you’ll check it out and maybe play it yourself. If you’re anything like me, you won’t regret it.