6 Reviews liked by zankyounoterro69

Heavily underrated fighting game, the Koma system is absolutely brilliant and a great way to utilize both Shounen Jump comics and the DS touch screen in a fighting game. It allows for so many different builds allowing you to make your own team. There's a ton of characters and variations of them and the music is absolutely fantastic there is so much goodness here and it's a crime a third game was never made.

Watch the cutscenes on youtube not worth playing.

funny monkey goes oooggghh ooogh aaagggh aagghh monkey ape

While revolutionary as the ancestor to the modern platformer, its controls aged poorly, jumping for platforming is tricky (and can sometimes kill you off the slightest elevation), you can't advance through the level with the Hammer...was good and would recommend trying, but it's not worth mastering and was vastly improved upon in the future.

I wore a 25m shirt while writing this.

I feel like this is the Action Comics #1 of video games. Pong was Detective Comics #1, but this one really started it all.

Literally everyone has played this game lol