Not good. It was more consistent qualitywise than ZX. The original ZX had higher highs but also lower lows. The constantly getting lost and having to backtrack all the times especially held the original back. And there were some pretty frustrating stages in that game too.
In Advent the stages aren’t great either but at least I am not getting lost constantly and I don’t have to backtrack all the time like in the previous game.
But yeah, the stages were pretty forgettable and bland. They weren’t frustrating or anything though for the most part. Just boring.
For this reason, I did not feel like revisiting stages and doing quests.

Then we have the models. First of all, there are way too many models. Like 15? With half of them being so clunky that they are pretty much unusable save for some very specific niches. One model is so fucking big that he fills half of the screen. Most of these clunky models do have a use though. Usually they can break some type of obstacle or interact with specific objecs. But that meant that you just have to switch back and forth constantly to get past these obstacles, which got old pretty quickly.
I would have prefered to get more upgrades/attacks to your models as rewards for bosses instead of a whole new form. Now all forms just perform some niche and that’s all that you’re using them for. And the humanoid forms pretty much make the big bulky forms obsolete since they are way easier to control.

The story was pretty uninteresting too and I just got annoyed at the constant story interruptions while I was playing a stage for the first time. And for some reason the game makes you automatically transform back to Model A for every story bit and speaking to NPCs, as well as when interacting with some objects like warp points.

Advent just isn’t that interesting to play and has a tad too many annoyances to be a good game.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
