Gameplay shortcomings and egregious monetization aside, this Katamari iteration is worth experiencing just for that fuckass 3D model of the King. His hyper-realistic face and individually modeled teeth are the most upsetting thing I've seen in a while. The mo-cap for the King is uncanny as hell too, I don't want to see that creature dancing on my screen ever again thanks!

The cutscenes in this game are also completely bonkers, moreso than ever before - for example, the father in the opening cutscene has simply the fattest dumpy that would put even the King's exaggerated bulge to shame. I don't know what was going on there but it sets a very strange tone for what's to come.

Probably the worst Katamari I've played yet but I still enjoyed my time with it nevertheless. Too bad I'll never play those free DLC levels since they're locked behind currency that seemingly can only be obtained by spending Real Money on the PSN now.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2024
