Starbound 2016

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played this game a lot during the beta

if you buy this game today? it's fine. people who played tons of Terraria would be more than familiar with it, even if the combat isn't as deep or interesting. apparently modding makes this game more fun but I'm of the opinion that if you need modding to make a game good, it's probably not all that good to begin with

if you played the game while it was still in beta like me and a bunch of other people? all you can think about is the original direction the game went, and how inferior 1.0 is in comparison with a very bland story that robbed the game of the original, more unhospitable feeling of planets during the Giraffe and Koala builds. I never actually got to finish the game due to The Ruin taking my computer at the time to a screeching halt. I have a better computer now, but whether I want to continue playing.... I'm not sure. the game just isn't compelling enough to return to anymore, and that's kind of sad

also Chucklefish maybe pay your workers sometime. you know. just a suggestion