i came into this expecting a pile of dogshit, and i mean yeah it definitely pongs of straight up cat piss, but it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. that doesn't necessarily mean it's good though. nothing ever really "clicked" with this game. i kept on waiting for more and for something to finally suck me in, but it felt like i was edging for 20 hours until the credits rolled and i was like oh that's it ok then.

the levels are just really bland which i guess makes sense considering the whole theme of the game, but man this game is fucking disgusting. there was maybe three or four areas that i thought were actually "pretty" for lack of a better word, but the rest of the game was painful to look at. gotta say tho majula is probably my favorite hub out of all 3 games now, especially with the music.

i understand what people mean now when they say the hardest part about this game is just getting through the levels. there was a lot of enemy spam, but it only frustrated me in a handful of places where i was getting sniped from across the map in water up to my titties moving at like 25% normal speed. i think after playing lords of the fallen and experiencing that shitty fucking add spam i am just desensitized.

the main game bosses were actually painfully easy and it made the journey there hardly worth it. i think i beat probably 75% of them on my first try, which sucks because the bosses are my favorite part of these games. the ones that i didn't first try made me fucking miserable with the runbacks, but they were somewhat generous with bonfires being close to most bosses. there were a handful of gimmick fights which i despise, but they were already over before i had time to be annoyed at them.

i was wondering why i had what felt like negative i-frames for like 5 hours until i realized it was tied to a specific stat. whoever came up with that idea deserves to be unemployed; that shit is unbelievably stupid. equally as stupid is the absurd amount of times i got invaded in this game like holy shit i cannot go 10 minutes without getting invaded by I Clap Cheeks or Fencer Sharron bending me over and giving me backshots. at one point i just said fuck it and stopped burning the effigies and took it in the ass like a twink.

the game is just generally underwhelming. i'm not really sure how you can go from a game that defined a genre like ds1 and then immediately make this which is so far away from the foundations of the first game. it's like you made a michelin star appetizer and then served an entree with no seasoning or flavors or anything at all, just straight up fucking slop. sure you can eat it, but it isn't going to live up to the expectations you had.

considering it was the last dark souls game i played, it makes me appreciate the other two much more. i'll definitely replay ds1 and ds3 in the future, but ds2 can just rot in my library.

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2023
