Very nice game that makes you reflect on the importance and impact of every little choice that you make throughout. I often found myself asking « Could I have done this differently? »
Easy to play and each episode is around 1h which is pretty fast. I love choice-based games so this is obviously a good one for me.
As for the story, I’m not a Walking Dead fan but I do love some apocalyptic setting. I found that Katjaa was the realest character in terms of personality and character, but I liked how everyone had their own personality and you could get to know them differently depending on your choices. I got easily attached to most of them without a doubt. The game made me go through many emotions, made me cry 2 or 3 times (I counted.) The graphics are faithful to the artstyle TellTale Games is famous for, and even if the game is pretty old now, I didn’t think it was a big issue. Although, I do have to say the localization of the game (which I played with french subtitles, by default) isn’t very good in terms of subtitles, so I do recommend understanding spoken English if you want to play.
I definitely recommend!

This is easily my favorite Legend of Zelda game that has ever released and will probably never be matched by any upcoming games, for the sole reason that it was the first Zelda game I played alone and fell in love with.

The vibes in this game are exquisite, and we have not only the soundtrack but also the designers to thank. They were able to truly convey the dark undertones of the story through colors and imagery.

I remember always wanting to play that game, not only to fulfill quests or beat dungeons, but also because I adored the mood set in the Hyrule field and especially around the Castle. If it were an open-world type of game, I feel like young me would've been in paradise.

The storyline is excellent. Midna's characterization was nicely fleshed out, although I wish we had more Twilight lore and we could explore more than the region we had access to -- although that would've decently changed the length of the game if we did. The graphics, even if they're not as HD as the current games we could play, bring a lot to the table and make the game even more charming to me. (Call it nostalgia, or whatever, but the original version looks more authentic and just overall better to me than the HD version released on WiiU.)
I recommend this game if you like darker themes, moving characters and, wolves, I guess.

wow, i just realized this game has been out for a year and i’ve been postponing the time i’d beat ganon for the first time….
as a sequel, i like how it delves deeper into the lore set in botw’s endgame (mainly zonai territories, etc.). if you treat it as such, and not as a ‘new’ zelda game, it’s honestly very good and has added some fun mechanics and side elements to complete which are very fun: being able to build everything from scratch, from weapons to even your own house.
this feels like a peaceful game with a tad of difficulty added to it (or maybe i just suck?). i’ve beaten ONE (1) gleeok so far and it was hell.
other than that, shed some tears when retrieving the master sword. if you know, you know.

the key is to suck at the game and you’ll be free

i unfortunately spend way too much time on this game to trash talk it