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trilha sonora é um absurdo, o sistema de partir ao meio as coisas é muito legal e funciona bem.

a história é bem pastelona e edgy pra caralho, não me cativou muito, tanto ela quanto a critica não me pegaram muito.

As boss fights são MUITO BOAS, mas o caminho até chegar nelas com os inimigos padrões é muito enjoativo depois de tu repetir a mesma coisa mil vezes, e eles nem são muito complicados, o jogo te deixa recuperar 100% da vida em cada inimigo então tanto faz.

Hideo Kojima não parece que ficou muito feliz com o resultado final do jogo, em entrevistas ele mesmo fala, ''クソ野郎'' algo como ''eu não fiz a história, os designs, tudo foi feito por um time completamente novo, a gente não conseguia sair do lugar então decidimo pegar uma equipe nova pra fazer algo que eu completamente aleatório só pra testar algo que não seja stealth'' inclusive o jogo foi idealizado em 2008 curiosamente o ano de lançamento de devil may cry 4.

menção honrosa pro melhor brasileiro dos games
Jetstream Sam

So you're telling me this version...
- has better graphics
- has less annoying text speed
- has aiming that isn't garbage
- has a hint system for all those cryptic moments
- has a much less tedious to navigate Water Temple
- and has the Master Quest, an entire hard mode with not only harder enemies but also harder dungeons, included
...and yet some people say the N64 version is better?

FIRST OF ALL my "BUMPSLASH ACTION" game angeline era is getting a demo (not full release) on may 9th...go wishlist it!! I know you like weird action games!! you're on backloggd reading a Dragon View review!! we made a good one!!


proto-quest 64 map navigation (the game gives you these hand-drawn-esque maps that you use to navigate a pseudo 3d overworld), baroque music bangers, snappy sidescrollng dungeoning/gameplay, some lovely sprite and artwork... Certified Good Time. i did use fast forward for the overworlds though too big lol. also there's funny old dudes hiding all over the various maps. strange stuff like a guy trading armor upgrades for 50 apples (what is he doing)

Pretty easy to progress without a guide too, i got hard stuck only once

the game doesn't give maps, but i really loved the dungeons and how they use multi-floor grid-based layouts, but it plays out as a sidescroller. the action and how it has you weave forward and back to dodge stuff is fun. maybe i should play beatemups..but i just love the sword to much.

i like how freaky and hostile it felt walking into a way too hard part of the overworld.... platforming through the mountain areas. side-on platforming with some Z-depth movement is pretty fun.

the damage /exp curves in ths feel pretty Ys-y. It's not really my personal favorite choice but it more or less works

first time i actually finished after starting and restarting over and over for probably over a decade at this point. the goat the bible the blueprint ect. the greatest advancement in the phenomenology of video games as far as My Specific Tastes are concerned. wall kicks will definitely work

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