A Hat in Time: Nyakuza Metro

A Hat in Time: Nyakuza Metro

released on May 10, 2019

A Hat in Time: Nyakuza Metro

released on May 10, 2019

DLC for A Hat in Time

Welcome to the deep underground Nyakuza Metro! It's the perfect place for a little lying, a little cheating... a little stealing. Join the Nyakuza and become mad rich - joining a gang never turned out bad, right?

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To me this DLC is another one that's worth it if you are going to play A Hat in Time. The main Nyakuza Metro chapter is really fun with so many new cosmetics to unlock not the mention stickers that's a new collectable (which is more than a novelty more than anything) which pretty cool. i'm also pretty sure it also unlocks some extra content towards the death wish content which is yet again pretty cool.

I got lost soo many times but its good

They did it… I can’t believe it… they really did it! They gave a backstory to the greatest character in the whole game!


Playing this just after beating and trying out what Seal the Deal had to offer gives the biggest whiplash imaginable, and not just because the reasons you may be thinking of; yes, opinions on Seal the Deal are widly mixed and Nyakuza Metro seems to be regarded as amazing pretty consistently, but those matters are still subjective all things considered, and I won’t ignore the many fans the former DLC has.

No, what I mean is that after playing such an expansion so focused on fixed objectives and more concised tasks, jumping onto the trains of Nyakuza Metro is like playing a completely different game, and a pretty rad one at that.

Alpine Peaks had already experimented with the idea of Free Roam, and if you read my review on the original game, you’ll know that I really, really love that area A TON, so one of the DLCs exploring that idea again was pretty exciting, but even tho both chapters are open in nature, the metro couldn’t be more different, and I mean that in every sense of the world.

These cat-infested tunnels feel… alive, moreso than any of the previous chapters ever did. Both chapters 1 and 4 introduced more open areas with defined sections you could access at any moment or order, but neither the world itself nor the characters and enemies that inhabit could escape that feeling of ‘’playground’’, of existing simply for you to have cool stuff to jump and dive over. Admittedly, Alpine Peaks (my beloved) came the closes to breaking this with its amazing sense of scale and design, but it still felt a bit gamified, like this was still a place that existed first and foremost to have platforming challenges, which is the objective of any platformer don’t get me wrong, but I didn’t fully succeed in making you forget that, which seemed to be what it was going for.

Nyakuza Metro doesn’t fail, and in fact, it goes above and beyond everything I could have ever expected. The neon lights of the underground are striking from the very first moment you arrive, and if it wasn’t made clear by the far more fluent animations of the Empress and her goons, then everything else will make you realize just how insane of an upgrade everything has received. Food stands and restaurants and every corner, groups of cats gathering together and having conversations you can overhear through out the chaos and movement, trains carried by the tails of huge cats and light the way with their eyes, vacuum cleaners that mix the bouncing platforms and paint mechanic from previous chapters to amazing results, the many side paths or stops you can take and the huge amount of new cosmetics and badges you can purchase… it gives the the metro a feeling of sense and place, one that allows it to feel like a natural space that is, in all honestly, pretty impressive with how pretty and creative it can get, both with new ideas and previous ones.

It makes you feel like a mouse in a crowded kitchen, somewhere you shouldn’t be, yet you manage to find a path. As you hear cats complaining about the complications of the metro system and how hard is to get around, you find unconventional ways that lead you to unexpected paths, it doesn’t feel like someone planned an obstacle course for you to get through, it feels like you are going against the tides and making progress in probably not-so-legal ways. For a platformer to accomplish this while also giving you actually fun challenges is a monumental task, but here they make it look so easy; I never thought running through railways and jumping over electric flyers could be so fun, and yet, here we are! And even in the moments where it feels more like a usual platforming venture, it never feels that striking visual look and it always does something intelligent of fun with its gameplay, like putting the time-stopping hat to much better use than the base game ever did or sections like the electricity ball gauntlet.

It's honestly impressive how well it’s pulled off, how such a cool idea is realized while almost never losing the fun factor… and its exactly why it saddens me a bit that they didn’t go harder with it or explored areas of its potential it clearly had. The metro is divided into colored sections, each with barriers you can unlock by buying the respective ticket and with its time pieces, which an amazing way to go about it… but the fundamental way the time pieces work clashes with the ‘’you gotta open the metro for yourself!’’ idea. Sure, you may grab the ticket before the second or main time piece and that may make getting to the next a liiittle easier, but usually, but the time you get it… there won’t be much left to do in the area, and that goes for every single section. Sure, you can get the stickers and buy badges, and while is fun to grab those little extras, they are a side thing that don’t really impact thing much, and you’ll need money (and probably also farm it, which you know… not fun) for the badges either way, so opening the metro partially or even completely doesn’t make the actual main objective any more satisfying, and in fact you’ll probably won’t interact with it much, which is a huge bummer, ‘cause if they made you to not teleport every time you get a time piece on this one or at least near the entrance of the color area you are on, it would go a long way into actually using the connected nature of the metro, because how it is right now, it isn’t that far off with how Chapter 4 handled it, which worked really well there… but not so much here.

How things are right now, they would have felt much more justifiable if the story played a bigger role this time, but saldy, we only get snippets. The Empress is one of the coolest chapter ‘’villains’’ in the whole game, and the idea of the nyakuza as a whole is super cool, but sadly, aside of the initial presentation and one unique cinematic halfway, you always get a the same cinematic of the goons taking your piece and the Empress saying a new bit of dialogue, and honestly, considering how every single corner of the metro is filled with detail, even the random posters, the fact they main bads/allies don’t have much to say or do until the last mission is a huge bummer, and it double sucks, ‘cause that final mission is amazing!

It does what Chapter 4 and 6 tried to pulled off, except WAYYY better and WAYYY more enjoyable and fun, having one last run through the metro, dodging everything and everyone after the Empress outs a bounty for you is the coolest finale possible and the best possible built up for the final battle, a final battle that…. Doesn’t exist. Yeah, while I talked negatively about the last mission of Alpine Peak and Artic Cruise, them not having a final boss made complete sense, but this time the fact a final confrontation is also mission is the biggest hungover of the chapter. You could say the whole finale is the final boss, and I can kinda see it as that, but the whole time things seemed to be leading up to a fight that just didn’t happen, and it ultimately makes the very ending of the DLC pretty anticlimactic… tho maybe at that point, I’m just lamenting that this could have been greater than it already is.

Nyakuza Metro is an amazing final DLC, most of its problems residing in things carried over from the base game or just small, missed opportunities here and there, but ultimately, it’s a success, and nothing will take that away. Its time rift is a perfect example of it: it isn’t hard, especially when compared to the one from the last chapter, but its’ creative, it feels natural, it’s fun, just like the rest of the package, and when viewing it alone, it’s an incredible platforming experience, and probably the best chapter in the whole game.

The Nyakuza are so cool, I wish cats were real…

pq a dlc e separada porra kkkkkkkk site bunda

Dodatek do mojej ulubionej platformówki ostatnich lat, oferujący nowy poziom na mniej więcej 4 godziny gameplayu (z dogłębnym zwiedzaniem). Jak nazwa wskazuje, jest utrzymany w klimatach Yakuzy (wiele jest easter eggów i nawiązań do tej serii) i kotków. Koci mieszkańcy, kocie znaki na ulicach, kocie metro, wszędzie koty. Lokacja jest bardzo ładna i ciekawa, jednak jej układ jest mocno dezorientujący i łatwo się zgubić, sam rozmiar chyba nie byłby problemem gdyby nie labirynty, które czasami trzeba przejść by się dostać gdzieś na pierwszy rzut oka blisko. W łatwiejszych do przeoczenia żartach jak w dialogach pomiędzy przechodniami, sloganach plakatów itd świetny humor został zachowany, uśmiechałem się tutaj nieraz do jakiejś głupoty, jednak główny wątek mnie zawiódł. Misje dla cesarzowej są wtórne, za każdym razem po zdobyciu dla niej klepsydry mamy identyczną cutscenkę tylko w innym miejscu (7 razy chyba), ona sama nie jest ani śmieszna, ani interesująca, jej głos nie pasował mi zupełnie do designu. Nie ma ona startu do świetnych antagonistów z podstawki jak Konduktor, Mafia Boss, Snatcher. Nawet walka z nią w finale była słaba, a jej wątek nie został rozwiązany, tylko mamy coś w rodzaju to be continued... Tylko continued gdzie? Nigdy? W A Hat in Time 2 za 5 lat (mam nadzieję)? Niefajnie.
Jednak wiadomo, że fabuła to nie wszystko i nadal bawiłem się bardzo dobrze i DLC polecam. Podoba mi się ile dodatkowych skórek czapek i kolorów strojów dodali, a naklejki miło się zbierało, choć nie widzę dla siebie w nich zastosowania (można je doklejać do screenów robionych aparatem). Z time riftu tego poziomu podobało mi się coś w rodzaju backstory odkurzacza z bazy, a muzycznie nadal ta gra wymiata.