Altered Beast

Altered Beast

released on Aug 01, 1988

Altered Beast

released on Aug 01, 1988

Unleash metamorphic power. "Awaken, dead warrior!" cries Zeus, God of Thunder. And you rise. Called upon to live again, you kick, punch, grapple and tear at the inhuman and monstrous flesh of horrible, dangerous underworld henchmen out to do you wrong. Savagely intent upon rescuing Athena, daughter of Zeus, from the demon god Neff, you stalk the bowels of Hades and beyond. What you are now you will not be. You are the Altered Beast - bestowed with five formidable forces of transformation - each more ferocious, more overwhelming, than the last. By battling, conquering and capturing spirit balls, your metamorphic powers will grow. But to what end? The final confrontation. Your triumph over crocodile worms, hammer demons and grave masters brings on the horror of Neff himself. But boldness and cunning will be rewarded - in the ultimate Altered Beast! Transformation is the ultimate power.

Also in series

Altered Beast
Altered Beast
Altered Beast: Guardian of the Realms
Altered Beast: Guardian of the Realms

Released on


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Strange game, fun, but very strange.

Decided to dive into the classic collection of the Sega Mega Drive thanks to the Nintendo Switch Online

In the past years I heard 2 things about Altered Beast: that it was a SEGA classic and that one of the villains maybe appeared in Werck it Ralph. SO I decided to give it a shot.

THose woere a kinda okay 20 minutes.
It's basically a beat-em-up in 2D with a cool greco-roman aesthetic and an interesting gimmick: beat up enough enemies to get magical BALLS and trasform, from a chad to a furry chad.

And while on paper this is cool and the trasformations and animation I imagine were impressive for the time, end really quickly and doesn't evolve a lot with time.
Not to mention that of all the trasformations (on per level, almost all of them used just once) I feel only the dragon feels like an actual boost: the bear is funky and the tiger and wolf almost feel like a nerf than a powerup, especially considering the bosses you face while in these forms (which is basically what you will use them for the rest of the game)

Also I found the villain from wreck it ralph, the rhino guy that is a cool boss fight but that is kinda it, you never face the evil sorcerer that was apparently behind the plot

Banger credits though: I love how they imply that everything was just a stage play.

Aside from that tho, nothing else to say about it..

Kid me still likes this game.
Could never get past the 3rd level.

i think it hold up pretty well it def has some pretty fun to fight bosses at the end of the stage minus stage 5 which was horrendously difficult to hit the squid cuz of the tentacle.

also the site doesn't list this but there's also a version of this game on the Famicom

It doesn't hold up great, but the transformations from skinny to buff to animal are always great.