Beyond Good & Evil

released on Nov 11, 2003

Beyond Good & Evil is an action-adventure game with elements of puzzle-solving and stealth-based games. The player controls the protagonist, Jade, from a third-person perspective. Jade can run, move stealthily, jump over obstacles and pits, climb ladders, push or bash doors and objects, and flatten herself against walls. As Jade, the player investigates a number of installations in search of the truth about a war with an alien threat.

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Abandoned for upgraded console version due to bugs/instability of Steam version.

An excellent game that needed some fleshing out, but one that I won't soon forget.

Beyond Good and Evil never truly lives up to its name in its actual narrative. The morality behind that notion is left firmly in the dust by the end of the game, though I won't spoil why. I also couldn't help but feel like there could have been so much more to it had the game been given enough time, such as additional dungeons and a bigger map. It faced a similar emptiness that the Wind Waker had; despite that game being my favourite of all time, I concede to its flaws. (Oh, and the stealth sections are AWFUL.)

THAT BEING SAID... What is in place is an extremely compelling action-adventure game. Tons of creativity, excellent worldbuilding, and enough exciting exploration and ideas to keep me playing. It was a beautiful, refreshing game that deserves to be explored further... but with Michel Ancel leaving Ubisoft, I doubt it ever will, at least to the creator's original intent.

Play this game.

lol the reward for getting all the mdisks and pearls are two godawful minigames

Such an odd cult classic because I really love the world that they set-up for this game, but the game itself feels so half baked and rushed in so many areas. This game is begging for a remake to fully flesh out the story and world it wanted to tell. The combat is so clunky and button mashy. The stealth sections you get forced to are so boring. And the game runs out of steam at the climax. I really wanted to like this one more than I did because the world was so vibrant, it felt lived in, Jade and Pey'j were fun to adventure with, but I'm left unsatisfied. Hope the sequel is better, but then again, modern Ubisoft

Игра, которая просто покорила меня в школе, когда одноклассница тайно диск передала. Я часто мечтала о городах, построенных на поверхности воды, о всех этих ховеркрафтах и маяках, а тут — пожалуйста! Игра дает готовый концентрат приятных эмоций, драмы и драйва! Очень необычные персонажи, великолепный мир и музыка, крайне интересный сюжет — БГЕ, я люблю тебя! Жаль, игра не позволяет после финала побродить по счастливой здоровой планете, я это просто обожаю! Эх...НЕВЕРОЯТНО, ПОБЕДИЛА САААЛААГАА!!!

great adventure game with fun photography mechanic. Some aspects might not age very well like the fixed camera, but don't let it distract you from the amazing soundtrack by Christophe Heral and the simple yet effective story.