Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

released on Apr 01, 1993
by Capcom

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

released on Apr 01, 1993
by Capcom

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is a side-scrolling, beat 'em up arcade game based on the comic book series Xenozoic Tales. In the game, the player has access to several attacks. Each character has two special moves including one that depletes a character's health upon contact with an enemy and when two or more players play together, they can trigger a team-attack. Players can also find and use various firearms, throwing weapons such as rocks and explosives, and melee weapons such as clubs.

Also in series

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm

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Beat 'em ups tend to have monotonous gameplay and can eventually become stale. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs avoids this issue thanks to its story and inclusion of weapons. The story and enemies are absurd and overall this is one of the more entertaining arcade Beat 'em ups.

This era of Capcom is nigh-incapable of missing the mark. Cadillacs follows suit, taking a fairly random property and turning it into Capcom gold. It's a fairly standard beat em up, that stands out thanks to a banger Isao Abe soundtrack and an extremely colorful application of body horror and one-off level set-pieces. It will feel similar to Final Fight fans, but can definitely be considered on par with those combat mechanics.

It gets a bonus half-star for having a possible pacifist run in the form of never harming a dinosaur. Which is extremely fun to attempt.

Meu beat n up favorito. Apenas puro estilo e dar porrada em dinossauros.

Creo que el hecho de que estuvieramos un buen rato intentando arreglar la rom de este juego es digna de mencionar

En fin, muy buen beat em-up con una música que me ha sorprendido y unos personajes con un moveset que ha dado más de una sorpresa. No me extraña su estatus como clásico de los arcade, la verdad.

Una loca aventura en arcade... sin duda muy buen juego! Hace poco pude disfrutar del final, ya que cuando niño fue imposible acabarlo con fichas, no había mucho dinero en ese tiempo.