Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

released on May 22, 2013

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

released on May 22, 2013

From the dust of a gold mine to the dirt of a saloon, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is a real homage to the Wild West tales. Live the epic and violent journey of a ruthless bounty hunter on the trail of the West’s most notorious outlaws. Blurring the lines between man and myth, this adventure made of memorable encounters unveils the untold truth behind some of the greatest legends of the Old West.

Also in series

Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Call of Juarez: Bound In Blood
Call of Juarez: Bound In Blood
Call of Juarez
Call of Juarez

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Essa praga fica crashando no final e eu não tô com paciência pra procurar uma solução então vou considerar que eu zerei

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
Levando em consideração toda a minha experiência com os jogos da série Call of Juarez, Gunslinger foi disparado o melhor e o mais divertido. Jogo dinâmico, bem humorado e com gráficos que lembram bastante meus amados Borderlands

Assumimos a pele de Silas Greaves, um caçador de recompensas veterano que narra suas aventuras para um grupo de ouvintes em um bar. Ao longo do jogo, Silas compartilha histórias de suas caçadas a famosos fora-da-lei do Velho Oeste, como Billy the Kid, Jesse James e Butch Cassidy. A narrativa é interativa, mudando conforme as lembranças de Silas são questionadas, o que adiciona uma camada de humor e torna a história imprevisível

O jogo tem uma jogabilidade rápida e fluida, com controles responsivos, mecânica de tiro satisfatória e uma boa variedade de armas. O sistema de habilidades permite ao jogador personalizar seu estilo de jogo, focando em habilidades de pistoleiro, espingardeiro ou franco-atirador.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger é um jogo muito divertido e com um estilo visual marcante, criando uma atmosfera bastante criativa quando unido a sua narrativa dinâmica. Infelizmente é meio curto, mas oferece uma experiência memorável e diferente de que os fãs que COJ estavam acostumados. Não vale seu preço cheio por conta da sua campanha ser curta, mas tem ótimas promoções e chega a custar preço de banana durante o ano
| 8.9 |

The best usage of the Wild West I've ever seen in a video game. The storytelling is perfect, taking advantage of the mythical, forklore nature of the American West in exceedingly clever fashion and wrapping it in a well-fitting dime novel aesthetic. The gameplay is suitably over-the-top and fast-paced, as well, more closely resembling the trick-shooting frenzy I wanted Bulletstorm to be. One of the greatest, most cohesive first-person shooters ever made.

Лучшая часть в серии, с необычным повествованием и задорным экшеном.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is a first-person shooter set in the wild west times. While it sticks to some the genre's worse conventions like a max of two weapons and regenerating health, I think it manages to become quite fun thanks to its scoring system. The more you kill in a row and the more you do so in style, the more points/experience you gain. It's simple stuff, but it's well executed and does encourage you to keep up long chains of kills rather than hole up behind a wall and occasionally peek your head out, especially in conjunction with abilities that you unlock throughout the game which allow you play a lot more aggressively. There's some hiccups in enemy visibility and generally meh boss battles, but overall the levels are well-paced and very enjoyable. A lot of this is thanks to the framing device: an old Silas Greaves, former bounty hunter, is recounting his tales to a small group in a bar, and all the various interruptions and corrections are incorporated in the game proper: someone will misunderstand Silas' words or give their own versions of the story, and we'll get to play through that version before it's corrected. Gunslinger strikes a good balance of tone, its tongue is firmly stuck in its cheek for most of the runtime but it has no problem switching to a more dramatic register when the need arrives, which I think is a difficult feat. The excellent VA certainly helps.

Gunslinger's hidden collectibles are quick nuggets of (actually true) history of the times, which pull double duty in both adding a lot more context to the people and events Silas meets, and putting a neat bow on the game's themes. Indeed, Gunslinger is a game about Western history just as much as it is a Western game, and I really like that it chooses to focus on the ambiguity and almost myth-like status of so many of that period's characters and events. It's a good source of humor, surprisingly informative, and Silas' unreliable narration adds a lot of intrigue to what would otherwise be a fairly standard revenge story.

One of the best FPS I've ever played, it's incredible how Gunslinger is a basic old west story but at the same time manages to have individuality, the synopsis is the same as many films of the genre, but the staff knew very well how to transpose the cinematic basis into a new medium, a good example is the gameplay which, in addition to being very fun and well done for the genre, is also a constituent of the narrative, the enemies here, unlike other FPS's, are worth something to the story, each shot made by the player contributes to the characterization of Silas, a vengeful man who becomes increasingly lost on his journey until he becomes a legend.
The choice for the narrative to be told through a bar conversation was quite shrewd, not only does it refer to the old west as a legend, but it also works as a narrative artifice, with the aim of removing any trace of trust that the player might have for the protagonist, The exaggerated story, the sudden changes of the map that are reflected within the gameplay and the general unreality of each level were very interesting and culminated in an excellent ending.
Call of Juarez Gunslinger is an extremely fun game and very well told in a genre where the story usually takes a backseat, but here it makes all the difference.

Um dos melhores FPS que eu já joguei, é incrível como Gunslinger é uma história básica de velho oeste mas ao mesmo tempo consegue ter individualidade, a sinopse é a mesma de muitos filmes do gênero, porém a staff soube muito bem transpor a base cinematográfica para uma nova mídia, um bom exemplo é a gameplay q além de ser muito divertida e bem feita para o gênero, também é constituinte da narrativa, os inimigos aqui diferente de outros FPS's valem alguma coisa para a história, cada tiro efetuado pelo jogador contribui para a caracterização do Silas, um homem vingativo q se perde cada vez mais em sua jornada até se tornar uma lenda.
A escolha da narrativa ser contada por meio de uma conversa de bar foi bastante sagaz, n só remete ao velho oeste como uma lenda, mas também funciona como artíficio narrativo, com o objetivo de retirar qualquer resquício de confiança q o jogador poderia ter pelo protagonista, as história exageradas, a mudança repentinas do mapa q são refletidas dentro do gameplay e irrealidade geral de cada fase foram muito interessantes e cuminaram é um excelente final.
Call of Juarez Gunslinger é um jogo extremamente divertido e muito bem contada em um gênero onde a história geralmente fica em segundo plano, mas q aqui faz toda a diferença