Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

released on Mar 20, 1997

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

released on Mar 20, 1997

A seminal 2D metroidvania in which after the events of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (1993), a man named Alucard arrives at Dracula's castle after it rises from the rubble, and seeks to defeat the evil contained within it once and for all by exploring, fighting its inhabitants and collecting the various weapons and abilities hidden in its depths.

Also in series

Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge
Castlevania Legends
Castlevania Legends
Castlevania: The Adventure
Castlevania: The Adventure
Castlevania: Dracula X
Castlevania: Dracula X
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Castlevania: Bloodlines

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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night é um marco no gênero de jogos de ação e aventura. Sua combinação de exploração não linear, elementos de RPG e uma atmosfera gótica memorável estabeleceu novos padrões para os jogos de ação e aventura. É amplamente considerado um dos melhores jogos de todos os tempos, oferecendo uma experiência rica e envolvente que continua a cativar novos e antigos fãs.

Um ótimo jogo, diria que até sua metade impecável, tendo talvez o melhor level design de um jogo de plataforma e o nascimento de um gênero, no entanto a outra metade do jogo cai muito em qualidade, principalmente no já citado level design que cai muito em qualidade.

It's not hard to argue that this game has been significantly surpassed by its numerous future offspring, but there's still a lot of magic in this game despite its age and flaws.

The music in this game is amazing and memorable. There's a lot of great variety in the tracks and hearing the classic tunes in CD quality (a first for Americans, at the time) is delightful.

The gameplay remains great due to the timeless nature of this gameplay loop. It's just really fun exploring the castle and the game paces out the power ups quite well. The movement still feels really fantastic making it pretty fun even when you're back tracking. The game also still has a lot of charms with its numerous goofy enemies and memorable bosses.

The main issue with the game is its difficulty. It's simply too easy which makes for a breezy comfort play, but doesn't satisfy anyone wanting a challenge more akin to the classic titles. There are now numerous hacks available that attempt to fix it.

Really cool to see one of the MV OGs. This really feels like it has most of the hallmarks of the style used today. I was honestly kind of surprised as to how fully formed it felt. The only real thing missing was air dash, but that's made up for with the bat. There might be more secrets here than most metroidvanias I've played. The art direction is really cool and I loved the level design. My only real problem is that almost all the bosses were pushovers and could be easily killed without actually learning their movement patterns.

I fucked up and didn't realize I was in the final fight so I didn't prepare to get the true ending, which is a shame because I'm basically missing out on half the game and would have to do it all over again to get it. Oh well, maybe I'll give it another go in a few years and get the full experience.

It's a really good metroidvania this game even caused the second half of the name while it's a good memorable expierience it's many times not obvious and you can by accidently skip 3/4 of the game and not even notice this