Castlevania Legends

released on Nov 27, 1997

Every legend has a beginning. Now discover the beginning of the Castlevania Legend in Castlevania Legends for Game Boy. In this single-player adventure, you play as Sonia Belmont, the very first in the line of vampire hunting Belmonts. Use your whip to fend off the forces of darkness, as you work your way through six stages of non-linear gameplay. Explore the legendary areas of Castlevania, including the surrounding forest and the infamous clock tower. Don't forget to collect hearts from the torches that litter the stages to gain extra lives. Adjustable difficulty settings allow you to choose the skill level at which you want to play. At the end of it all, Count Dracula himself awaits. Can you defeat him and put the evil to rest for another 100 years?

Also in series

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge
Castlevania: The Adventure
Castlevania: The Adventure
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

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I am not sure what compelled me to play this game, but I probably not play it again. I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy most of my time, but it was incredibly frustrating at times and didn't bring much to the Castlevania table. The music is fire, though, especially that final boss theme!

Not a terrible entry into the Castlevania saga, though with some questionable decisions that make the whole game feel kind of a bit too simple.

The burning mode is just INSANELY overpowered and makes almost all the bosses and challenging areas into a quick spam 'n kill fest. The fact that it refills every time you die, compounded with infinite continues at your last checkpoint makes the whole experience stupidly easy. A real turn-the-brain-off and just plow forward vibe with little concern for the details. It misses that feeling of truly mastering a stage and knowing all the in-and-outs that make a level tick that is essential with the Castlevania games.

I do like that the game has a more vertical oriented castle design, and the multiple routes through levels add a little bit of exploration fun. Turning sub weapons into on-the-fly "soul weapons" sounds nice, but the aforementioned burning mode made it so I never even bothered using them.

Once upon a time this was the first game on the Castlevania timeline, until Konami decided to scrub from the canon. In any case, it's a pretty simple old school action-adventure platformer. Gameplay is a little slow and stiff but not in a way that's boring. Level design is mostly fine but there's some BS decisions like enemies respawning whenever their spawn point goes off screen, which is super annoying in vertical sections of stages (there's a ton of them).

Overall, it's fun but honestly very average. It's pretty short (~2 hours for a first playthrough) so it's not a huge time investment at least.

I just came out of the Castlevania Anniversary collection only for then find out that ANOTHER one is free on the Nintendo Switch Online. SO I went "Ehhhhh why not"

And this is a funky one.
Of the Game boy game it is definitely not the worst (imo nothing can be worse than Castlevania: The Adventure) but I feel it's definitely not the best

I dunno how to explain it, but this one to me feels like.... a weird castlevania low-budget fangame made for the GB: it's a weird mix of the linear progression of the past titles with the metroidvania of Symphony. and on paper this sounds cool... but the realization is really lacking.

The limitations of the gameboy means that you got a really slow heroine with not a lot of movement and offensive options. ANd while the mpa is more open, most of the time you just have all of thes ebranching paths that leads you either on one of the secret collectibles, or just into nothing. Like I remember walking into a series of corridors filled with spiders adn bats HIDDEN INTO THE CANDLES (good trolly move there) only to reach the top and being rewarded with a piece of meat... thanks I guess.

The adventure is not very long but this walking around in cricles didn't made it that enjoyable for me.

ALso I had a small bug where beating one of the minibosses (the big knight) didn't open the way to proceed, so I had to beat it again to free the spike-filled passage

THe reason why I find this one like a fanmade project (I know it's not but still) is the story, that gives the same vibe of a weird fanfiction: you follow the OC do not steal Sonia Belmont, which has a cool design and I like how she uses magic via the collectible hearts. But then you find out that she is supposed to be the first of the Belmont dinasty, that she is the one that killed dracula, that she is the one that kills Alucard even tho the two love each other and I guess have a child in the good ending.....

I dunno, I guess I grew up with the idea that Leon is the first Belmont, and that Alucard end up with Maria, and all that jazz... so I am not surprised that Konami snapped this story out of the canon timeline...

Overall a mediocre but not horrible experience. It's nice that they made a main cool female Belmont for once, but her adventure is not really the best of the franchise, sadly.

I can only imagine living in 1997 and thinking to myself “man, what if I could play a Castlevania game in which the main character feels like they’re trudging through molasses?” Got so bored I quit