Conflict: Denied Ops

Conflict: Denied Ops

released on Feb 08, 2008

Conflict: Denied Ops

released on Feb 08, 2008

Venezuela is left in a state of civil war after the government was brutally overthrown by a military coup. With factions fighting to reinstate democracy, the U.S. government has offered their assistance, though the new government regime has threatened to deploy nuclear weapons if the U.S. meddles in Venezuelan affairs. The threat needs to be neutralized, and the U.S can't risk nuclear war. The CIA Special Activities Division operates in isolation and secrecy. If captured, any link with the U.S. Government will be denied. Conflict: Denied Ops is a highly accessible FPS featuring massive, extremely explosive firefights across destructible environments. Work as a team to utilize the specific skills of each operative and experience the ultimate in destructive satisfaction with tons of exploding objects and an endless barrage of terrorists who are begging to be blown to hell.

Also in series

Conflict: Global Terror
Conflict: Global Terror
Conflict: Vietnam
Conflict: Vietnam
Conflict: Desert Storm II
Conflict: Desert Storm II
Conflict: Desert Storm
Conflict: Desert Storm
Super Conflict: The Mideast
Super Conflict: The Mideast

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[13 horas e 50 minutos]
Que jogo sem graça, história genérica com personagens genéricos e conflitos genéricos, típico jogo de patriota americano para proteger seu país a todo o custo e superior a tudo e todos, você pode alternar jogar entre dois personagens, Graves e Lang, minha gameplay inteirinha foi utilizar da submachine gun do Lang, não me deu vontade alguma de ser stealth no jogo (nem sei se era possível rsrsr) e basicamente dizimei todos os inimigos.
Durante a campanha um acontecimento me deixou frustrado em continuar a gameplay, um tanque de guerra aparecia em uma base militar na qual eu tinha infiltrado e independente de ter visão minha ou não ele disparava e ocasionalmente me matava, porém quando isso ocorria a missão resetava de um ponto muito distante e, nossa, o quanto isso me frustrou não está escrito nos anais da história. Não recomendo nem para o meu pior inimigo, mas como dificilmente eu largo algum jogo, conclui sua campanha genérica.

so mediocre it's astonishing this wasn't a weird dream I had. bizarre

I mean, the ship level was pretty nice. Other than that, it's bad... and I don't mean Michael Jackson "Bad". Just bad.

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I was very disappointed when I rented this from Blockbuster. It's not a good shooter at all and the story is so sleazy and terrible. "When you get to guantanamo, don't forget to write your mama. Tell her Graves and Lang kicked your ass."

Objectively the WORST game I've ever played. It's just bad in every way like I can't even describe it.

Not for me, but I'd imagine this is what "strategic" tactical shooters must be like. Speaking of which it reminded me a bit of SOCOM.