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in the past

Take everything you know and love about the highly underrated Conflict series of games and deflate it into a bland FPS game, that is really all there is to say about Conflict Denied Ops. A game so bad that even me, someone who loves crappy FPS games, hates it. You are put in control of one of two characters, a sniper or a heavy machine gunner, and run through levels blasting stuff. They seem to be aiming for the same character design as Kane and Lynch, but gameplay wise it doesn't really matter which you choose and you can switch between the two whenever you like. The coop mode is a nice inclusion in this fairly short and bland campaign, but playing alone with the AI is extremely frustrating. It has some fairly bog standard N64 Goldeneye style missions, like protecting the scientist while he hacks the mainframe or survive waves of enemies for 3 minutes, which are alright but not enough to make it worth playing. It really is a fairly bland game. If anything stands out, it is the horrible controls. While not unresponsive, the button layout is quite unique and perhaps counterintuitive. Even worse, you can't change the aim sensitivity. The other thing that stood out was how terrible the enemy AI was. Either they will pop out of nowhere right next to you and kill you in seconds or they will be running from place to place like a headless chicken. It makes the game difficult and frustrating, especially with the sparse checkpoints and missions which require protecting NPCs. The Conflict series died for the sins of this game, and there are many many sins in it. At least the Japanese market had the decency to call it Double Clutch, which is much cooler. If you see a copy for sale, hide it behind other games so no one buys it.

so mediocre it's astonishing this wasn't a weird dream I had. bizarre

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I was very disappointed when I rented this from Blockbuster. It's not a good shooter at all and the story is so sleazy and terrible. "When you get to guantanamo, don't forget to write your mama. Tell her Graves and Lang kicked your ass."

Not for me, but I'd imagine this is what "strategic" tactical shooters must be like. Speaking of which it reminded me a bit of SOCOM.

[13 horas e 50 minutos]
Que jogo sem graça, história genérica com personagens genéricos e conflitos genéricos, típico jogo de patriota americano para proteger seu país a todo o custo e superior a tudo e todos, você pode alternar jogar entre dois personagens, Graves e Lang, minha gameplay inteirinha foi utilizar da submachine gun do Lang, não me deu vontade alguma de ser stealth no jogo (nem sei se era possível rsrsr) e basicamente dizimei todos os inimigos.
Durante a campanha um acontecimento me deixou frustrado em continuar a gameplay, um tanque de guerra aparecia em uma base militar na qual eu tinha infiltrado e independente de ter visão minha ou não ele disparava e ocasionalmente me matava, porém quando isso ocorria a missão resetava de um ponto muito distante e, nossa, o quanto isso me frustrou não está escrito nos anais da história. Não recomendo nem para o meu pior inimigo, mas como dificilmente eu largo algum jogo, conclui sua campanha genérica.

I mean, the ship level was pretty nice. Other than that, it's bad... and I don't mean Michael Jackson "Bad". Just bad.

Objectively the WORST game I've ever played. It's just bad in every way like I can't even describe it.

the last mission was just pain PURE PAIN