

released on Mar 30, 2012


released on Mar 30, 2012

The story begins with Mutsura Yuuto accompanying his friend on a holiday to Aqua Eden, an artificial island city where gambling and the sex industry are legal. However, his holiday plans are laid to waste after he gets involved in a kidnapping; to make matters worse, he ends up getting turned into a vampire. As a vampire, he can no longer leave Aqua Eden; so with nowhere else to go, he decides to enroll in a special school for vampires on the island — and thus, his new night life begins!

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I have kinda mixed reception on it, which is unfortunate which I was fairly excited going into it.

I suppose I'll start with some general thoughts before getting into more character/route discussion

Good Points

A bunch of the humor was pretty good. Usually related to Elina or Rio but occasionally Azusa and Miu had some funny moments
I actually thought the way they handled the vampire setting was interesting, with all the different powers and stuff. The typical racism stuff was done in plenty of other media but I liked the way it was done here
Yuzusoft has pretty top tier presentation from the nice clean art, to moving sprites mid sentence, and overall good UI to me.
A bunch of the side characters were actually pretty consistently interesting and relevant.
The main 4 routes actually all had interesting stories and progression, at least to me.

Bad Points

While some of the humor was good some of it was some of my least favorite humor I've seen in anime/VNs in a while. I HATED the jokes from the gay doctor. And then of course there's the typical annoying ass hyprocrism about the girls being critical of MC doing anything mildly perverted seeming and treating him like the scum of the earth. I know this VN was first released in 2012 but you'd think they'd be sick of this type of humor but apparently otakus like it when waifus heavily criticize their needs and wants.
And related to the above, the comedy ruined otherwise potentially good/great characters, I'll talk more about later
* Kinda suffered from the typical "certain events only happened because I chose this route/girl when they could've happened in any route". Minor thing.

I'll just briefly talk about each of the routes I did, in the order I read them.

I thought Azusa was pretty meh before her route though mostly because she was just basically the closet pervert prude. But I thought in her route she became fairly likable though her coming out of the perv closet helped. The Anna being her grandma thing was kinda interesting. Sucks she had to die for her secret cause and that it didnt come up in other routes

Nicola was actually cool for the most part but the way this route happened and executed was fucking stupid. He lets Nicola stay in his bed and shit and then somehow all the accidental stuff he did and said makes Nicola eventually like them and the dating stuff was so short and Nicola had basically almost no development once you find out her real gender. Also the fact they Only thing that was good was her CG in her black and white dress was nice.

It always feels awkward when a totally innocent girl suddenly becomes a sex expert. I guess this one wasn't as bad as the Fureraba case at least. In any case Rio in general was fairly funny but otherwise nothing particularly special as a character. Finding out she's also a lycanthrope was kinda interesting and the way they solved them both losing their lycanthrope powers for their kids was kinda interesting. Motoki only being the main villain of this arc was weird since it feels like he shoulda been more antagonistic in other routes

Elina was probably the best overall route to be honest. It started off the strongest by actually tackling her insecurities about her secret powers which was actually super interesting! Once the plot started it was a bit standard like everyone else's but not bad. The Russians suddenly being the bad guys and the main characters having to pull some weird Batman plan to beat them was weird. Of course, her being the only character who isn't anti-pervert humor made her one of the better characters by default

Miu's route and her character was by far the biggest disappointment in this VN which sucks because I actually really liked her in the common route and the other routes for the most part. Her tsundereness generally showed in her trying to be an adult which had some legit funny jokes. She actually had interesting personality and development in the common route about her insecurities. For a tsundere character she was actually pretty cool, while having some typical tsundereisms she actually know how to be mature enough in serious conversations and stuff. However, in her route, her tsundere insecurities came out in full force. She got insecure of a gay doctor and a little kid and coupled with the usual hypocritical anti-protag pervert humor made this route ridiculously annoying to read in the last 2/3 of the route. Which sucks because in the first 1/3 of the route when the couple was stuggling to get together it was kinda cute, especially since she essentially had to take the initiative since the protag was actually understandably being a bitch. Hell, the plot of the main route was nice since the destruction of the vampire city all the themes about uniting and stuff was nice. However, I just hated the humor that was sprinkled in between the serious parts that I just really couldn't enjoy this route, and this being the last route I read and in my mind basically the route brought my opinion of this VN down quite a bit.

TLDR: Before the last route I probably would've gave the VN a 7/10 or so. After the last route I brought the VN down a 6/10 and was really tempted to give a 5/10.

At least the art in the H-scenes was nice.

Sentimientos encontrados al igual que mi opinión al respecto de la misma.

En las primeras horas la consideré como la mejor VN de Yuzusoft (bueh, de las que he jugado ya que aún me faltan unas cuantas), pero a medida que más lo leía sentía como la calidad bajaba un poco, pero de repente volvía a sentir que era destacable.

Ok, el punto aquí es que a pesar de que Dracu-Riots es considerado como un moege, no muchas veces se siente más como un thriller policiaco combinado con temas bastante turbios que a cualquier usuario de twitter se pondría a funarlo. Esto debido al plot de la historia que se centra en MCgenerico-kun va a uina isla y bam, se convierte en vampiro y ahora trabaja para una agencia secreta que se centra en parar a otros vampiros (Un vampiro peleando contra otros vampiros? Vaya... que novedad...). Pero hey, le doy su punto ya que gracias a esto podemos tener una historia que por momentos es un thriller realmente interesante y que te presentan preguntas y misterios, pero que tienes que leer cada ruta para poder descubrir uno por uno sus secretos.

Las herinas, bueno... Ahhh un poco desepcionante si soy sincero. Al principio se presentan como personajes interesantes, pero a la hora de entrar en sus rutas te das cuenta de que fue tipo clickbait ya que no te terminan ofreciendo lo que esperabas (Seré sincero, no leí la ruta de la loli... digo, de Azusa, no de la loli llamada Elina... Ella... ella tiene mi bendición... Por lo que no sé cómo se desarrolle su ruta). En cuanto a su ruta secreta, bueno... No es lo que esperaba, pero estoy satisfecho. Si no quieren comerse spoiler de la ruta secreta, dejen de leer este párrafo: Nicola es la ruta secreta y si bien podia esperarmelo, aun asi me tomo por sorpresa, pero estaba interesado ya que bueno, Nicola es lindo y no me importaba ver a MCgenerico-Kun dándose de espadasos con Nicola, solo que... Nicola resulto ser una chica y hey, aclaro que Nicola es besto waifu de esta obra y la mejor ruta, pero siento que fue un poco desaprovechada debido a que descartaron por completo el aspecto chunibyou en su ruta, algo que caracteriza a Nicola, ademas de que por alguna razon la hicieron "vaca"... Yo como flat chest enjoyer fue decepcionante, pero meh, no importa, pues, como dije, Nicola es la mejor heroina de esta VN junto a Hiyori (ahhh un clásico, no darle ruta a una de las mejores waifus...)

A pesar de lo decepcionante que puede ser en algunos momentos y su mayor error fue quedarse en medio de un seinen y un moege, puesto que tiene escenas de ambas, pero nunca logra centrarse en una, por lo que no es un buen moege ni tampoco un buen seinen, simplemente se queda en ''decente". Aun así, sigo considerando a Dracu-Riot como la mejor obra de Yuzusoft (de las que he leído). Sin duda de las coasa que me gustaron aqui fueron las escenas random donde tocaban temas como la pornografia -18, el zoo o MCgenerico-Kun como proxeneta diciendo barbaridades sobre una "loli". De hecho, gracias a Dracu-Riots, el imbécil de gambs y otros mods de r/VisualNovels me borraron un post que tenía más de 150 upvotes jajajaj

great rival for riddle joker, both compete in being the best yuzusoft title

This Right here, The messiah or bodhi (awakening) of Something Deep inside of me the if not the Peak of writing but appreciation of art & Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina