Evil Inside

Evil Inside

released on Mar 25, 2021

Evil Inside

released on Mar 25, 2021

Evil Inside is a first-person psychological horror game. After the death of his mother and the arrest of his father for it, Mark decides to contact her using the Spiritual board. But it fades away, and here is when all begins... Mark will face his greatest fears to discover the truth.

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The most accurate term I can use to describe this game is that it is shameless. There is hardly any, IF any, original material here. The hallway in the house is ripped straight from P.T. The well featured in the game is taken from the Ring franchise.

This is purely a walking simulator, with zero unique mechanics. You walk painfully slow and the run is just a .1% faster walker. There are no enemy encounters. There aren't any puzzles. The goal of the game is to do a loop in the house 10 times over, get pieces of an Ouija board and you win.

Graphically the game is not good either, but it is the least offensive thing about it. They are just barely presentable visuals. One thing presentation wise that is not salvageable however is the voice acting. Similar to Oxide 104, this bumbling doofus of a main characters sounds utterly disconnected from the situation. He is seeing hanging bodies, blood on the walls, and his performance is so lifeless and uncaring, so aloof. I don't think this main character could care any less about what is going on.

I honestly feel like writing about this game would be more effort than the dev time that went into it. It is under an hour long but every minute is horrendous. Skip this and stay far away.

O jogo leva ao pé da letra a palavra indie

Bronze Medal - Completed

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The only positive thing I can think to say is that I like the music 🫠

atmosphere: 8/10
story: 3/10
voice acting: 1/10