"F.E.A.R." (First Encounter Assault Recon) is a critically acclaimed first-person shooter game released in 2005, developed by Monolith Productions and published by Sierra Entertainment. Blending psychological horror with intense combat, "F.E.A.R." puts players in the role of a point man in a special forces team tasked with containing a mysterious and powerful paranormal threat. The game's advanced AI, atmospheric storytelling, and impressive graphics create a deeply immersive experience. Players must navigate through dark, foreboding environments, battling both human enemies and supernatural entities while uncovering the dark secrets behind the paranormal phenomena. Renowned for its tense atmosphere, dynamic firefights, and haunting narrative, "F.E.A.R." stands out as a landmark title in the horror shooter genre.

Also in series

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate
F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate
F.E.A.R. Files
F.E.A.R. Files
F.E.A.R. Extraction Point
F.E.A.R. Extraction Point
F.E.A.R. Combat
F.E.A.R. Combat

Released on


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The shooting in this game is pretty solid, the weapons have good impact, there's a decent variety to them (the 10mm is a decent, though mostly visual twist on the marksman's rifle) and never feel too weak or too strong for the scenarios you encounter. Now, those scenarios, they are often lacking as the enemies are rarely ever set up nor take much advantage of their squad tactics. The best strategy even on the "Extreme" difficulty is to rush forward to catch them as they enter the area or try and get position, using your slow-mo whenever caught in the open or by surprise. I played basically the entire game like this, hoping for more expansive or challenging combat encounters. There were none.

The story to this is simple, can be guessed from the beginning and isn't very scary. Though, I can appreciate it not taking up so much of the runtime, the details are optional and the progression from level to level has a strange coherence which provides it a slight dream-like feeling (aided by the night time).

The look of the game is fundamentally solid, the lighting is strong, the light and dark contrast great and the general destructibility and deformation of certain objects along with the relatively grounded ragdolls prevent it from feeling static. Though the interiors are often very samey, blocky, lacking in colour or distinction. There's not much in particular to look at.

Overall it's a good shooter, but not some great one.

F.E.A.R wasn't all that scary... but it certainly was epic. Explosions everywhere... action,

A brilliant game that combines excellent gameplay with an innovative bullet time mechanic. The horror elements are perfectly integrated, creating a truly terrifying experience. The atmospheric tension and intense combat make it a standout title in the horror FPS genre.

Eu estava muito ansioso pra começar essa trilogia e recebi a pior surpresa em relação a isso, o porte de F.E.A.R. em PCs novos é PODRE, más é podre um um nível injogavel pô... Meu Pc tanka qualquer jogo atualmente no ultra e F.E.A.R que é um game de 2006 tendo quedas absurdas de FPS. Está simplesmente impossível de jogar, já tentei mudar resolução, modo de exibição, mecher nos gráficos e nada adianta, após uns 10 minutos de gameplay ele cai pra 10 FPS

Tristeza e depressão
Realmente estava muito afim de jogar o game e ele parece ser um jogo muito bom. Para piorar a situação, não posso pedir reembolso porque comprei o jogo pela Nuuvem 🤡

half life for people with sleep paralysis

The gameplay aged surprisingly well, the guns all still feel good, the ai feel surprisingly alive, and bullet time mechanics are always going to be cool. Visually obviously its pretty aged but beyond that the environments can be a little too samey especially in the office sections. The story was somewhat unique for an fps but,not the greatest thing ever or anything but at least its different.