
released on May 31, 1997

The Nintendo 64 version, developed by Software Creations, retains all of the graphical quality and scenery architecture, has a consistent frame rate, and includes high detail and smooth filtering. This version also has four-player split-screen cooperative and deathmatch modes, although they must be played in low detail mode. Due to cartridge storage limitations, the Nintendo 64 version is based on the original PC floppy version and lacks the FMV scenes and Redbook audio music introduced in the CD-ROM version, although it has new narrative introductions to the levels.

Also in series

Hexen II Mission Pack: Portal of Praevus
Hexen II Mission Pack: Portal of Praevus
Hexen II
Hexen II
Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel
Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel
Hexen: Beyond Heretic
Hexen: Beyond Heretic

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More interesting as a contextual throwback, but very neat to see other FPSes like this from this early fps era reinterpreted as a fantasy wizard game.

Hexen on the N64 is a rough port of a classic PC fantasy shooter. If you're expecting a smooth experience, you'll be disappointed – choppy framerates, muddy visuals, and awkward controls make this one a challenge. However, if you're drawn to the old-school difficulty, its puzzle-filled levels, unique character classes, and dark atmosphere, there's still some nostalgic fun to be had. Just be prepared for a bit of frustration.

Продолжение истории о Змеиных всадниках. Теперь в игре три класса на любой вкус со своим оружием. С улучшенным движком Doom локации обзавелись новыми деталями, а враги научились не только стрелять. Также появилась система хабов с головоломками, затрагивающими несколько связанных карт

if you love doom, or HERETIC, but want a more medievil setting, this is the way to go

O level design aqui me fez gostar menos de Doom.
incrível como esse jogo é extremamente criativo para a época e conseguia trazer set-pieces memoráveis com muito pouco.
quando se trata de gameplay, é gostoso de jogar e consegue ser bem competente nas habilidades.
E apesar de eu ter elogiado o level design dele, não tome isso como regra pois o level design desse jogo é todo caótico.
PArece qeu 30 pessoas decidiram fazer partes diferentes e jutnaram com um "puzzle" ridículo de achar alavanca.
Dito isso, alguns momentos são tão bons que você joga o jogo esperando por eles, em alguns momentos, teremos levels conectados com o fator surpresa de "dei a volta no jogo e parei no inicio" como DS faz.
É impressionante esses fatores em um boomer shooter de 94. Gostei!