High Hell

released on Oct 23, 2017

High Hell is a neon-soaked, arcade-action first-person shooter from Terri Vellmann (Heavy Bullets) and Doseone (Enter the Gungeon, Gang Beasts). Descend upon the criminal underground with an absurdly large gun and bring lethal salvation to those that have fallen from the light. Righteous fury and fancy footwork are crucial to survive an escalating, absurd series of outlandish missions. Pop brainwashed chimps, deface corporate effigies, and dismantle the business dealings of the unrepentant cartel in a vibrant remix of the classic first-person shooter.

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High hell e um otimo jogo, apesar de ser curto ele apresenta uma dificuldade bem desafiadora, então seja o mais agil possivel para não ser morto pelos cervos do diabão.

A gameplay e bem basica, você anda e atira e evita os tiros dos inimigos, porem cada fase você tem um objetivo para fazer enquanto tem que lidar com os cervos do diabão querendo lhe impedir de concluir sua missão.

Agora graficamente falando o jogo e bem bonito e tem um estilo bem diferente lembrando ate mesmo um pouco um animal crossing com o visual fofo e doom pela tema de matar o diabo.

Nota: 10

Movement feels alright and one-shot kills are satisfying. Can dee it being fun as a speedrun game. Not a fan of the artstyle and absolutely horrible last level.

High Hell is a really short but really fun fast-action shooter. Each of the levels is based on completing objectives which allows you to find your way to the point of interest and your way to escape. The shooting is also quite satisfying by making the most common enemies one hit kill. While High Hell doesn't give too much that's different from its contemporaries, with good pacing and a memorable experience gameplay, it probably becomes something I would find myself playing again.

A short, but crazy arcade shooter, something on the level of Hotline Miami, but from the first person and with the question of where this asshole killed me. The game teaches you to find opponents on levels faster than they can find you.

Аркадный короткий, но не по уму, шутер, что-то на уровне Hotline miami, но от первого лица и с вопросом, откуда этот мудила убил меня. Игра учит находить противников на уровнях быстрее, чем они найдут тебя.

It's a quirky little indie game that focuses a lot of quick shooting reflexes and careful awareness of positioning. I didn't enjoy the core gameplay loop much because of how punishing the game was. Often times, I would be low on health and have to carefully inch my way back up to full health. Bosses were mostly afterthoughts that added little to the overall experience besides the thought that I'm glad I don't have to do that again! I'd avoid this if I had the chance to turn back time.

Yes the gameplay is pretty barebones and basic but I think that’s to it’s benefit. Easy to pick up and master for some fun time trial stuff