Into the Breach

Into the Breach

released on Feb 27, 2018

Into the Breach

released on Feb 27, 2018

The remnants of human civilization are threatened by gigantic creatures breeding beneath the earth. You must control powerful mechs from the future to hold off this alien threat. Each attempt to save the world presents a new randomly generated challenge in this turn-based strategy game from the makers of FTL.

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Would like to play more. Probably hindered by me picking up on Switch and not on PC.

I enjoyed what I played, but ultimately it's not for me. The level of strategy and attack interactions make the combat more interesting than most grid-based strategy games, but it truly does require puzzle AND strategy know-how.

This was written December 2022

This was basically my gut reaction when they made this announcement earlier this year. Heck, I was playing Into the Breach on breaks at work through a Chrome remote desktop app with my home PC on my phone because I wanted to keep playing so bad that year. I played the heck outta Into the Breach in 2018 and it made my top 5 then as well! I consider myself a huge Subset Games fan and gave this game a lot of accolades back then, but I've got even more to say now.

But, if I'm being honest... I never actually finished everything I intended to finish on my original playthrough on Steam. I loved what I played, but I just couldn't nail down some of the achievements and got a little frustrated and moved on after a while. So to have gotten the opportunity to play it all again - on my phone - with new content and it was "free" with a Netflix login? Don't hafta ask me twice. Have I mentioned that someone at Netflix knows wussup? Cause they locked down a killer app for their exclusive games. In my eyes this was another huge W for them.

The best part is that I got to play the whole game with its new content alongside a friend that I introduced to the game a couple years after I bounced off it. He had completed more of the base game than I did and knew way more than I did going back in. But soon enough I picked things back up and for a few weeks we were sharing screenshots of sick plays and achievement gets.

Advanced Edition, as Subset did with FTL, is an elegant modification to Into the Breach that just fits like a glove. It genuinely just feels like a bunch of official "mods" to the game that enhance and layer on the strategy that was already so pitch perfect.

Best tiles of 2022? Definitely. Of all time? Maybe!

this game requires more brain power than i have

I think I could play this game forever and never get bored. Such simple, satisfying tactical strategy, with a fun low-res aesthetic.

Perfect tactical-puzzler that makes it difficult for me to enjoy any other tactic game now.