Jack Jeanne

Jack Jeanne

released on Mar 18, 2021

Jack Jeanne

released on Mar 18, 2021

Jack Jeanne is an opera-themed otome game, produced and illustrated by Sui Ishida (Tokyo Ghoul) and co-written by Ishida and Shin Towada (Tokyo Ghoul light novels). Protagonist Kisa Tachibana is given an opportunity to fulfill her dream of going to the All Boys Univeil Drama School where she must develop bonds and rivalries with her classmates while hiding her identity as a girl.

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• A história do jogo é maravilhosa! A protagonista é incrível e todo o elenco de personagens, tanto os principais quanto os coadjuvantes, têm seu próprio charme. Além disso, o jogo aborda temáticas que eu não esperava, como gênero, pertencimento e outras coisas do tipo. Aborda tão bem inclusive que eu acho que o Sui Ishida deve ser meio queer KKKKKKK. Outro aspecto que eu gostei e achei surpreendente foi o desenvolvimento de personagens secundários. Minorikawa e Kasai merecem suas próprias rotas! JUSTIÇA!

• Apesar da história ser maravilhosa, tem que ter muita força de vontade pra concluir a prova de resistência que é zerar todas as rotas. Diferente de visual novels comuns, o jogo tem um sistema de status e jogos de ritmo. Quando você joga pela primeira vez é MUITO legal. Mas ter que passar por todo esse processo de novo em CADA rota é análogo à tortura, tá podreeeeeeeeeeeeee. Inclusive, acho isso uma pena. Se não fosse por conta desse problemão, daria cinco estrelas pro jogo. A história é realmente incrível (depende da rota) e vale muito a pena ler. MAS ODIEI JOGAR TUDO NÃO QUERO PASSAR POR ISSO NOVAMENTE!!!! Aliás me recuso a platinar essa porra jamais eu comeria isso daqui jamais!

• Briga de rotas:

1 - Kisa: sinto que essa é a rota canon. Desenvolve muito mais a protagonista e sinto que deixa a reta final mais interessante. Aliás, cadê o Tsuki caralho???? Vamos responder?

2 - Kai: AAAAAAAAAAAAI MUITO LINDOOOOOOO. O romance dos dois é super bem desenvolvido e é muito gostoso acompanhar a dinâmica deles. A reta final do jogo fica bem interessante nessa rota.

3 - Suzu: com certeza uma das mais FOFAS! O Suzu é um QUERIDOOO amo esse himbo de merda.

4 - Fumi: o viado meio que arrasa! romance cativante, backstory legal e reta final foda.

5 - Mitsuki: romance meio tanto faz, parece mais duas besties lacrando do que necessariamente um casal. Ainda assim, o Mitsuki é um DIVOOOOO amo ele vencendo a idgaf wars e dando patadas.

6 - Neji: apesar de estar em sexto lugar, não acho essa rota ruim, é que as outras esmurram mesmo. Mas amo o Neji, moleque tirão do caralho me tirou boas risadas.

Soshiro: literalmente prefiro ESTUDAR do que jogar essa merda de novo. ADM da coitadolândia do CARALHOOOO, jogar essa rota tranqueira depois da do Suzu me levou do luxo ao lixo. Chato demais da CONTA! Só presta a cena pós-créditos e uns momentos aí. Casal de merda.

Considerações finais: um jogo MARAVILHOSO com uma história realmente ótima, basta ter a paciência de tankar os mesmos jogos de ritmo e sistema de status 129387193287 vezes. O único outro ponto “negativo” que senti foi um sentimento de “quero mais” mesmo. Ao mesmo tempo que os finais são fechadinhos, ainda restam algumas pontas soltas, que acredito que deixaram assim de propósito. Acho meio chato o jogo acabar no primeiro ano de aulas. Mas, uma sequência já foi anunciada, agora resta esperar...

kisa my beloved.. i am your #1 fan right after ao

I'm not exactly sure how to put into words what this game has done to me, but I will try:

I would fist-fight anyone in a parking lot at 3am to defend these kids.

Please, play this game.

I loved this. I didn't just finish it, I finished it five times, and am planning to go back for a sixth. This is a perfect example of a game which absolutely won't win over anyone who doesn't like its genre, but excels at what it does.

So what is it? It's an otome visual novel (read: a romance visual novel targetting a presumed straight female audience), with light life simulator (i.e. schedule management — think Persona's non-combat gameplay) and rhythm-action elements. You play a girl attending an all-boys' theatre school in disguise. It is ridiculously melodramatic, and by the standards of its genre very long (I'd put it at around ten hours per playthrough), and I love it.

It's just a masterclass in How To Do A Branching Romance, with clever framing allowing for minimal changes to the story (and the musicals you perform) while recontextualising things smartly, so that aspects of the character you're focussed on in any given playthrough are highlighted. It's just extremely well put together, and I was astonished to find that all five of the routes I've currently followed were equally engaging.

I'd have gone for the sixth (and presumably final) route as well, if it weren't for Persona 3 Reload coming out and distracting me, but I've had a brilliant time with Jack Jeanne.

Before going into details it's probably worth mentioning that this is the only otome game or even a "visual novel with routes for different romantic partners" that I have ever finished at least a couple of routes from.
I have also only finished two routes so far, so I mark this as "played" and not "completed" because who knows when the goblins in my brain will actually let me finish all of it.

What a nice game! A love story for theater that stems from deep appreciation of the form and effort that goes into it. Love all the kids here, they're all my dearest beans (if we don't count Amber, Amber can go suck a wall).
I really love all the songs and performances in it, rewatched Hallelujah specifically like two dozen times.
Lovely exploration of gender presentation via your main character, a girl, learning how to portray a girl from an all-male cast. I especially like how Rhodonite is presented; I aspire to ever be as comfortable with myself as these characters are.
Also Sui Ishida's art is incredible, I always loved it and it's nice to see him draw something actually happy and cheerful (and not, you know, TG).

But, there's a but.
Like I said above, I have not really played games with character routes before if we don't count a 4chan VN from like 10 years ago, and playing JJ makes me think about how I don't quite like the idea of routes in a game where each router changes not the course of events, but merely the character who follows you through the main story points.
The game hides characterization, various minutiae of the world, whole story segments behind having to beat all of those routes. In order to truly learn not only the main lads, but the various side characters (lots of whom are very cute and nice and I'd love to know more) you must get all the Best Endings so you can unlock the True Route, the one where you can finally devote time to the most important person: yourself.
It preys on completionism and "gamifies" your experience: in order to get the Goodest Ending for the character of choice you must devote your entire self to them, develop your skills purely for them, spend your limited free time on looking for events with them that will raise your affinity so you can experience the coveted climax. I Hecked Up my first playthrough and didn't devote enough time to developing a Specific Character Skill and so only got a Good Ending but not the Goodest Ending, and the thought of having to replay the entire route because I tried to actually approach the school life gameplay like a human being instead of mindlessly obsessing over a single guy is a bit disappointing.
Coupled with the game having a True Route locked behind all the rest, your mindless devotion in each character route feels unreciprocated: despite all your efforts, your experience in that route is merely 1/8, each route but a mere step on the road to The True End.

Still, lovely game, I'll be chipping away at it and maybe update this whole ramble once I'm done.

one of the best otome games i have ever played. i love a good story where the characters bond w/ each other and grow individually and as a group. i love quartz, and i love kisa. i'd also watch all of their plays irl if i could. each route could be my favorite for different reasons but i sold my soul to neji and im not ashamed of it!!!