Little Big Workshop

Little Big Workshop

released on Oct 17, 2019

Little Big Workshop

released on Oct 17, 2019

Imagine a magical factory, appearing right in your living room. A carefully planned masterpiece, where diligent workers throw together anything customers want. Rubber ducks and dressers, drones and electric guitars, scooters and other wonderful goods can be created from many different materials and sold for hard cash – cash you invest right back into your factory to get more machines, more workers and grow your business. In Little Big Workshop you become a factory tycoon!

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A factory simulation game where you can work your employees to the point of passing out. They never get sick or leave the factory! But completely run on caffeine so be sure to have that stocked in the break rooms.

You can expand your factory size, hire/fire employees, promote them to special units, sell items in bulk or start timed contracts. The skill tree surprised me. I wasn't expecting to level my factory in the game and you can choose what to upgrade. Eventually you can unlock all the skills so nothing is left locked from you.

I do wish there were more decoration items and a way to split the workload on the planning screen. It made me take a couple of extra steps. Otherwise I never had an issue with the game.

Me diverti muito com o jogo, mas no switch infelizmente ele começa a travar quando a fábrica fica grande. Ouvi dizer que eles refizeram o jogo para performar melhor no switch, mas não cheguei a testar

Pretty fun if you're into management/simulations games where you build the environment, give people jobs to do and watch it happen. You will have a blast for the first 10 hours, the game gets repetitive after a while though, except when you have fun min-maxing everything, then it can be enjoyed for many more hours.

Too slow and passive for me. Simply far too much teling workers to do things and then just sitting there watching them do it, and the doing takes far too long.