Lobotomy Corporation

Lobotomy Corporation

released on Apr 09, 2018

Lobotomy Corporation

released on Apr 09, 2018

Monster Management Rogue-Lite Simulation game inspired by the monsters from game and movies such as SCP Foundation, Cabin in the woods and Warehouse 13. One disaster will cause another, and it will lead everything into chaos. Manage and Survive.

Also in series

Limbus Company
Limbus Company
Library of Ruina
Library of Ruina

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Worst fucking game i have ever enjoyed

lobotomy corporation... is not for everyone... is it for the weakhearted? no. is it for the casuals? no. is it for the sweaty gamer nerds who minmax everything? i mean it can be but not really. no, lcorp is a game made for people like me: people who are really, really bad at most video games. because lobotomy corporation is barely a game: it is a puzzle.

lobotomy corporation is a management simulator. it is so much more than that. it is a story of time loops and grief and holding on to the past. it is a story of a woman's ideals and how everyone marched to their deaths to actualize them. it is also really, really fucking hard. it is so incredibly hard. there is so much memorization you have to do to get consistent. it gets boring at times because nothing happens during the day. some missions are unreasonable and take many days to progress. some bossfights are downright nasty. some abnormalities kill your best agent because you forgot something. and you have to shrug and go, 'well, that's just how it is,' and click the day restart button. and i cant say this game didnt make me struggle. but i am damn good at lobotomy corporation. i felt seen by this game made for people who want to click buttons and not worry about getting sniped from a building or whatever. this game is a puzzle game designed for the desperate, masochistic me, who is bad at everything else.

actual review time. controls? they... feel nice, i guess. theyre a bit janky at times, especially with commanding your agents, and i feel like giving the player more control on where their agents go and what they do wouldnt be a bad idea. the gameplay? its painful. it's not RNG based, i wouldnt say. there is always some way to counter an abnormality. but you might not have access to that counter and it might just be a day reset over and over and over again until you realize you are the reincarnated sisyphus and the rock is rolling down again.

the reset day/ memory repository system? top fucking tier. best thing they couldve done. i love how it ties in with the story. day 1 reseting is like a breath of fresh air. beautiful mechanic.

the story? it's so damn good. i wont explain for spoilers but god damn is it so damn good. i love you lobotomy corporation. you are a loveletter to masochists everywhere.

final review 5/5 stars no drama

i love this game to bits but god is it hell to play

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the reason why the game is called that is to reflect the mental state of the person who designed day 49

i need binah to slam me against a wall cup my cheeks in her hands call me a good girl and press kisses all over my face