Lost Words: Beyond the Page

Lost Words: Beyond the Page

released on Mar 27, 2020

Lost Words: Beyond the Page

released on Mar 27, 2020

Lost Words is a 2D narrative adventure game where players move words to solve puzzles. The game features a story written by Rhianna Pratchett and ties the narrative into the gameplay in an unusual way, by having the player running on and interacting with words to solve puzzles.

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Charming! The color and the energy and writing are just so good. I love the journal mechanics, and this is also where the art style really shines through. It is a little slow and unpolished nearer the end, however, even considering the subject matter.

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 1/10

A surprise gut punch of a video game. Lost Words: Beyond the Page might make your eyes wet.

An impressively poignant and relatable story with very little pandering or patronising treatments in sight. While Lost Words: Beyond the Page is a very simple game, its narrative leaves a lasting impression. Well done!

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Que jogo incrivel! Alerta de possiveis spoilers!

Confesso que quando baixei o game, eu não botei expectativa nenhuma, e o jogo acabou impressionando, e aqui estou eu trazendo uma análise. (Acabei platinando, conquistas bem simples)

Os gráficos desse game, são simples, porém muito bem feitos e bem trabalhados.
A trilha sonora desse jogo, meu amigo, é impressionante, que trilha sonora boa, em todos os momentos ela não te decepciona, o game caprichou no som.

A história de Lost words, é muito boa, forte e bem feita. Acabou conseguindo me deixar muito bad (E me quebrando em algumas partes da história). A história conseguiu passar muito bem a brutal dor de perca de alguém importante e o vazio que essa perca gera, o game conseguiu trabalhar muito bem em cima dessa única certeza da vida, que é a morte. A voz da narradora consegue passar sentimentos de uma maneira sensacional no decorrer da história. A história te mostra de forma reflexiva, que tudo na vida é um ciclo.

Aqui as palavras são fortes armas, elas são seus aliados durante a história do game.

Em geral, é um game que eu recomendo fácil.

A short puzzle platformer with a couple cool ideas but honestly its very forgettable. The story is good and definetily the best part of the game but overall its just kinda boring. 5/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #18

I had no idea choosing words was so fun I might have to replay this again I think the story was actually quite satisfying

The story of this game is very good as it reflect on a young girl dealing with the loss of her grandma.
I found the parts where you are in the character's diary especially effective in its way of storytelling.
The Estoria parts of the game were mostly fine with some small pacing issues where the narrative kind of drags on.
The gameplay, however, is not that interesting in my opinion as it relies only on the player to move forward and move some words across the screen. The gameplay also feels a bit janky and is overall not very enjoyable.
But overall, I liked my time with this game as the narrative keeps you interested in the journey of the young girl and you eventually want to know how she deals with this situation.