Monster Party

Monster Party

released on Jun 01, 1989

Monster Party

released on Jun 01, 1989

Walking home from a baseball game one evening, Mark gazed up at the misty sky. Suddenly, a blazing star plummeted to earth with a blinding light. When Mark regained his sight, a mysterious creature was standing before him. The creature told an eerie tale about his home planet, the Dark World, where evil monsters were terrorizing the helpless population. He was searching the galaxy for a warrior capable of freeing them from their terrible plight. The creature explained that Mark's bat was the perfect weapon for defeating the evil monsters. Mark considered the creature's proposal for a minute, then agreed to undertake the dangerous mission. After all, he thought, it sure beats going to school!

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A solid platformer with fun horror themed levels and enemies.

Don't care about the fucked up hit detection, don't care about the bugged bossfight, don't care about the evil labrynth of hell and don't care about the bosses with unavoidable damage unless you are transformed.
Almost every second of this game makes for a funny screenshot and that's what truly matters in life.

Es un juego gráficamente que le falta un poco para lo que realmente podía dar la consola en su época, el arma principal se me hizo de poca utilidad, mejora mucho la experiencia al ir transformado en el personaje segundario, es un juego relajado y bastante corto, pero en general se disfruta.

Me gustó mucho este juego por la historia tan oscura que cuenta. El modo de juego tambien me agrada aunque el diseño de batalla contra los bosses se me hizo repetitivo. Los niveles y las criaturas a las que nos enfrentamos estan bien.

Has such fun absurdist energy. Why do wacky colors and gross pixel freaks pop so hard on a black NES background.

This was fun to play. Your weapon is a baseball bat and you can just swing away at projectiles and enemies.