

released on Jun 23, 2023


released on Jun 23, 2023

Seiran Island. Even here in paradise, there are those who work in the shadows to bring it down... Confront the tyranny of a twisted system in this long-awaited visual novel adventure.

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a pesar de tener una idea interesante y que admito que alguna que otra vez me cague de risa con sus diálogos y chistes, al final me parece una obra que solo se queda en eso, en una idea que no había sido explorada, pero que en sí es mediocre, aburrida y que su historia no lleva a nada a pesar de que se esfuerce por tratar de crear un drama. lo único que hace es una y otra vez hacer los mismos chistes o tratar de generar morbo ya sea con diálogos o escenas, pero en mi caso a los pocos minutos me termine acostumbrando a lo que se me mostraba y lejos de ser morboso, me resultaba simplemente repetitivo.

y no, no menciono cosas como la asquerosa 'traducción' al inglés donde los 'traductores' hicieron fanfics con los diálogos inventándose cosas y metiendo a fuerza 'referencias' (que al día de hoy están desactualizadas y dan pena ajena) de la cultura popular del internet occidental, ya que en mi caso lo leí con el parche de restauración que elimina esa mierda y hace que la traducción sea más leíble, tampoco menciono en si el mensaje que quiere dar la obra porque genuinamente no se si esto es un intento de crítica a la sociedad y ese es el punto de vista los autores o por si el contrario es una burla hacia los puritanos que piensan de esa manera.

mira, soy una persona que realmente tiene muy poco interés por el sexo (irónico que lo diga alguien que lee eroges y se la pasa metido en la página de los 6 números) y en parte entiendo el intento de 'crítica' de esta obra, pero la obra comete un enorme error y es hacer hipócrita e insoportable al MC debido a que si bien él tiene una manera de ver este tema, lo que él quiere es prohibir este tipo de prácticas da igual si las personas que participan les gusta o dieron su consentimiento, simplemente quiere que por su ego nadie las haga y... aquí es donde me pongo a pensar en lo que dije antes de sí esto es una crítica a esto o, por el contrario, hicieron al MC tan insoportable de manera consciente porque la crítica en sí no va dirigida a estas prácticas, sino que va dirigida hacia las personas que piensan como el MC porque dependiendo de eso mi manera de ver la historia cambiaria, pero no sería suficiente como para que mi opinión de la obra entera cambie.

leere Nukitashi 2 o Hentai Prision? lo dudo demasiado... sé que tienen un score bastante alto en vndb, pero considerando que Nukitashi también lo tenía y para mí es una obra mediocre, me imagino que también serán obras sobrevaloradas... nunca digo nunca pero al menos ni a corto ni largo plazo contemplo leerlas.

This is one of the most consistently funny AND engaging visual novels I read in a long time.

I think the people who try to sell this as a plotge are not selling it correctly. To me it's a plotge in the same vein as the agave route from Majikoi. It has its serious themes but the action is very goofy shounen and there's still all of the over-the-top comedy especially with the whole unique parodying nukige thing.

But considering that I just compared it to Agave from Majikoi, which is my favorite visual novel, obviously means I still put this visual novel in high praise.

I actually quite liked all the routes. Some people have said that Misaki route is their least favorite but honestly outside a few rushed developments, it was easily the funniest route reminding me of a Majikoi or Asa Project route with how ridiculously funny it got. Nanase, Hinami, and True route for all good in different ways, I would say Nanases route is only my least favorite for minor reasons.

I think by the end I found every single major character likable or interesting. Including the antagonists, with some who you are not supposed to like it first. (Which does go into one of the interesting themes of the VN of you eventually coming around to things you initially dislike)

Junnosuke was a decent entertaining main Character mostly brought down by him being a hypocritical asshole at times.

My main girl ranking goes something like this:

Misaki - No surprise she's my favorite considering she's the very quirky hilarious girl. But she also has a nice wholesome side (in fact, I liked how every single heroine with a route are all distinctive variations of nice girls)

Fumino - A very wholesome character with surprising depth. Maybe went slightly far on her being willingly subservient.

Hinami - An amusing character with some funny if occasionally Repetitive loli/senpai jokes. Definitely the least deep character but makes up for with some of the most wholesome scenes in the whole game.

Asane - the only character I would say got slightly worse as the story went on. Her jokes got slightly more repetitive and they made her slightly bitchier than I was expecting to non-Nanase girls. That said, her funny jokes were still really funny.

Touka - She was easily the most interesting antagonist to me so I was kind of disappointed they sequel baited her depth.

Nanase - Likeable but just doesn't stick out as much as everybody else above her.

Rei - Definitely got the most love in terms of giving proper backstory and depth. Her base personality just isn't quite as good as everybody else's.

Ikuko - She's okay, but definitely my overall least favorite. Her base personality is too OneNote and her depth and development is way too rushed when it shows. (The opposite problem of Touka)

Just a little aside on the translation. I do think there were a bunch of lines where they went a little too far on the localization memes/references/political jabs but to be honest, they felt more like mild to moderate annoyances at most. I would say the complaints are kind of overblown but if it really bothers you, there is an improvement patch you can find on vndb.

I'm still stewing on my final score, but with how consistently I enjoyed just about everything about it. I would not be surprised if I settled on a 10/10. It's been forever since I've given one to a full length visual novel.