
released on Jun 18, 2024

Save your friends, fight off the vampire apocalypse, and survive the horrors of freshman field hockey practice in #Blud a delightfully zany animated dungeon crawler that blurs the line between action RPGs and hyperkinetic 90s cartoons.

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#BLUD é uma aventura extremamente bela, que encanta os olhos com sua direção de arte criativa esbanjando personalidade e qualidade técnica. É evidente o carinho dos artistas em entregar uma aventura digna dos melhores desenhos animados dos anos 90 e 2000, e a história também reflete esses esforços. Infelizmente, a beleza sozinha não sustenta uma jogabilidade maçante, tornando a missão de Becky apenas mais um indie de 2024. Um dos mais bonitos, com certeza.

#BLUD is an extremely beautiful adventure that dazzles the eyes with its creative art direction, overflowing with personality and technical quality. The artists' care in delivering an adventure worthy of the best cartoons from the '90s and 2000s is evident, and the story also reflects these efforts. Unfortunately, beauty alone cannot sustain a monotonous gameplay, making Becky’s mission just another indie game of 2024. One of the most beautiful, for sure.

Gran estética pero muy poco ambicioso en gameplay

This is a visually impressive game with solid gameplay. The vibe here is old Cartoon Network mixed with mid 2000s style flash game, and they nailed it. I especially appreciated all the unique death animation gags enemies can have, depending on how you kill them. The visual style on display for the bosses is also superb--they're like high school sketchbook doodles come to life.

While the animation and visual gags are wonderful, I found the dialog and jokes a little weak. I also think the John Carpenter-style synth soundtrack is a bit at odds with the art style and non-stop Hanna-Barbera sound effects you hear while playing. There are also some weird checkpointing issues and bugs I encountered while playing (I basically had to restart the final boss gauntlet over due to the game breaking), but hopefully the developers can iron those out over time .

I do recommend this game, and hope more people play it. It feels like it released with almost no buzz--unfortunately, the indie game lottery system in terms of getting visibility seems to be at work here again.

the game is absolutely stunning, but the combat feels so stiff... If you love the artstyle yeah give it a go, but honestly it's just not that well made gameplay wise. The dodge roll is insuferable and doesn't have infinity frames, it's repetitive as hell... idk it's just a very pretty and kind of funny game but that's about it

Can you Double Jump in this Game? Not in 3 hours.

#Blud was another Demo I was blown away by. The beautiful cartoon style and animations are just so eye catching its hard not to fall for it. The problem with this game, however, is it just is not very fun to play. It is very, very basic overhead camera action game. There is also just a lot of not interesting AT ALL walking. No sprinting (unless I didnt unlock it) mechanic, just a too slow walkspeed for some of the size of the maps. I'm gonna be honest I played 2 sessions and I almost fell asleep during both of them.

That's twice this year I've been spurred by Demo's seeming like sure winners, here's for three!

com certeza um dos desenhos mais legais da Cartoon Network

eu meio que moro nessa estética de desenhos dos anos 90 que perdurou até os desenhos da primeira metade dos anos 2000. esse jogo é quase que um aperto de mão sincero dos desenvolvedores nas pessoas que compartilham desse sentimento. tá tudo aqui, sério

vocês são chatos demais, pqp. se o jogo tem sequer uma partezinha que não está tão polida, já caem matando. se uma conveniência não existe, já reclamam. se alguma quest não é tão interessante, já vira um 6/10. caralho cara, quando foi que o gamer médio ficou tão exigente e insuportável? me considero um apóstolo dos jogos indie há pelo menos uma década e vi de perto essa parte da comunidade chegar onde chegou mas, nunca deixa de me surpreender como as empresas que publicam AAA ditam e condicionam o que as massas acabam pensando sobre videogame.

minha dica é: só joga a porra do jogo.