Path of Titans

Path of Titans

released on Mar 31, 2020

Path of Titans

released on Mar 31, 2020

Path of Titans is a cross-platform indie game with MMO questing, where players choose from 30+ dinosaur species and survive, explore, and thrive through life cycle events and social gaming. Find and build a home cave within Panjura, the first of several 8km x 8km maps. Explore our open sandbox, or extend gameplay through an extensive system of MMO questing adventures for the menagerie of air land and sea dinosaurs, with rewards and incentives from egg to adult.

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Path of Titans es la contraparte de The Isle tirando al género MMO y mucho más centrado en las mecánicas de este género. PoT me parece mucho más agradable de jugar que The Isle ya que en el apartado gráfico no es tan exigente como The Isle y es más diversificado en cuanto a biomas.

Aunque al estar centrado como MMO, por desgracia no tiene ningún interés para mí en el ámbito del combate a menos que llegues a ser full adulto y te veas capacitado para pelearte con otros jugadores. El tema del crecimiento también es un poco tocapelotas porque tienes que ir a servidores no oficiales donde están implementados el crecimiento gradual y no necesitas completar misiones como ocurre en los oficiales ; las misiones son fáciles de hacer si sabes reconocer dónde se encuentran los items y qué aspecto tienen (esto último se soluciona mirando en el panel de las misiones donde te enseñan una ilustración de cómo son los items).

Sinceramente, para mí ha sido un juego algo terapéutico para ir creciendo mi dinosaurio y explorar el mapa (sobretodo el segundo que añadieron un tiempo y es mi favorito) mientras tengo algo de fondo para escuchar. Es un sustituto si no te importa cómo ''baja'' de calidad de The Isle a ToP, con las nuevas actualizaciones mejoradas en The Isle es innegable que ToP se ha quedado un poco atrás en algunas cosas.

Kinda adore this game - The dinosaur models and animations would make any dinosaur kid with joy still in their heart mystified. It's not particularly action-packed but that's kinda the point. It's heavy on exploration of its 2 maps and small gathering quests, but every dino plays and feels a little differently with how it interacts with the environment. The flying dinos are new, and they fucking rule - I love how they can fly and swoop and it feels so different and new.

In terms of development, its got a long way to go - but its also come a very long way from what it was in 2020. The weakest element are the underwater dinos - I wish that there was more incentive to go into rivers and area where you might see other land dwellers and interact. The quests could also have more variation, but that seems to be the next goal in their newsletter. Otherwise, its quite good for a chill experience of just being a dinosaur. I will def be keeping up with this game as it develops : ]

literally the game i dreamt about as a child, very chill (in the right server) and fun from my experience

My roommate Niko and my other friend DrMcMario introduced me to this game, and I had a blast playing it! They helped guide me through figuring out how to play the game, in terms of learning the controls and learning how to steathily make my way through the world foraging for food to survive and grow to adult stage.

It's really pretty with a lot of cool locales to explore as you try to bob and weave through other dinosaurs hunting you as you try to do fun quests to level up and store your EXP in case you die. I personally think the game's a lot more fun if you have one or more friends to talk and play with as you go so you guys can work together to complete quests and help one another survive, and it's a fun time! I also say this as interacting with the usual player base when you're not playing with friends you already know will likely lead to you running into toxic players who won't help you, definitely not the kind of game you wanna play alone unless you want to get bullied and hunted a lot.

Overall, I'd say this game is a great dinosaur life simulator that's a blast to play if you have other friends who play this game to work with, so that's how I'd recommend you play this game if you want to give it a chance. Definitely the best MMO I've played and one of the only ones I've genuinely enjoyed. Would highly recommend it if you're a big fan of Dinosaurs.

The dinosaur game of my childhood dreams. Currently the game I'm addicted to right now. The game is in beta so things are still being worked on. Not a fan of the recent change to questing, but other than that this games got a lot of great things going for with more to come.

Worst part about the game is the community easily. You find some good eggs and make some friends but the other half is filled with some vile, mean spirited people that will ruin the game for you.

If it wasn't for my love of dinosaurs, i'd think this game was pretty bad. The community and official servers alike are very laggy, but the gameplay is good in a vacuum