Persona 5 Tactica

Persona 5 Tactica

released on Nov 17, 2023

Persona 5 Tactica

released on Nov 17, 2023

After a strange incident, the Phantom Thieves wander into a bizarre realm where its citizens are living under tyrannical oppression. Surrounded by a military group named Legionnaires, they find themselves in grave danger until a mysterious revolutionary named Erina rescues them and offers an enticing deal in exchange for their help. What truth lies behind Erina and the deal she offers to the Phantom Thieves.

Also in series

Persona 5: The Phantom X
Persona 5: The Phantom X
Persona 5 Strikers
Persona 5 Strikers
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth
Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight
Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight
Persona 5
Persona 5

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Very low scale tactics game with not much going on mechanically. It's pretty short though and that adds a lot to it. The story and new characters are also quite solid, lame main antagonist aside.

Al parecer a la gente no le gustó? O algo por el estilo?
Ni pepa. En mi caso me gustó. Si que es cierto que el juego se puede volver muy básico y fácil rápidamente, y la historia es un "eh", pero de ahí a odiarlo hay un paso enorme.
No os vais a morir por jugarlo, pero no pasa nada si no os llama.
No he jugado al dlc, pero también he oido que está bastante chachi.

This was really, really good. It was much better than I was expecting. It's also the first persona game that I've finished on normal difficulty.


Playing this game this long after launch led me to hear a wide variety of opinions on it. So I can't say I went in with no expectations, but I did come out of it happy. This is a pretty solid strategy games, it has all the stuff that comes with a strong persona title, mainly a strong presentation and score. I also really like how they translated aspects of Persona, mainly the One More mechanic, into a turn-based strategy game. It allows me to bring out super long turns where I kill like 20 guys with strong positioning and that, combined with the excellent sound design makes mowing down enemies really satisfying.

So what's the problem? Well there's several. Mainly the issues come narratively, which is pretty important for a Persona Game. Now, I love Toshiro and Eri as characters, but the Phantom Thieves and most of the actual line-by-line dialogue are so undercooked it's actually crazy. The entire cast is flanderized and their presence is so unnecessary it's crazy. Additionally, the game definitely overstays its welcome and loses steam near the end. I was kinda ready for it to be over like 4 hours before it actually did. This also goes for the map design, which also falls off pretty badly near the end.

So what we have is a classic Bell-curve type game. It starts off a little slow, gets super strong as it goes along, but then loses steam near the end. It got very repetitive, even though I really enjoyed it for most of the playthrough. All I'll say is that at this point, I can safely say I'm over the phantom thieves and kiiiinda want them to move on soon. We can stop here guys.

After reforming hearts all across Tokyo, the Phantom Thieves are enjoying their well earned vacation. But when they get transported to a mysterious kingdom in the midst of a revolution, it's once again all up to them to save the world!

Set directly after the events of Persona 5 (and right before the events of Persona 5 Royal's added semester), Tactica brings the Persona series in a new direction with turn-based strategy combat. Every level is a battle with a set objective you must complete to clear it. While this game is more focused on the actual game play as opposed to everything else, series staples like the Velvet Room and conversing with your team are still here.

The gameplay itself is heavily inspired by other turn-based strategy games, like Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics. You control three units on a grid and must use various skills, enemy weaknesses, cover, terrain, and several other factors to your advantage to keep the upper hand. While I assume this got challenging on other difficulties, it was a cakewalk on Easy---I never got a game over and cleared the bonus objectives on every stage. The other major pull, the story, is actually pretty standard Persona 5 fare: someone has to face their Shadow, you're in a cognitive world, etc, etc.

I got to play this game with Game Pass, and honestly, that's the way to do it. With the other Persona titles being so packed with content, P5T just leaves me wanting more. While there is a good game here there's not enough of it to warrant $60. Thankfully, it's not crucial to the story of any other Persona game, so it can be skipped if turn-based strategy isn't your thing.

Not a bad experience, but every single aspect of it left me wanting just a little more.