Pikmin 4

Pikmin 4

released on Jul 21, 2023

Pikmin 4

released on Jul 21, 2023

Meet Pikmin, small, plantlike creatures you can grow, pluck, command, and overpower your enemies with! These curious helpers come in different types—fire is no sweat for Red Pikmin and the brand-new Ice Pikmin can freeze enemies and the environment. Use your Pikmin’s miniature might (and a bit of strategy) to explore this mysterious planet. You get a dog, too! Oatchi, resident good boy and dependable partner, can help with things like smashing obstacles and carrying Pikmin throughout your adventure. With the miniscule Pikmin and a capable canine in tow, no challenge is too big!

Also in series

Pikmin Finder
Pikmin Finder
Pikmin 2
Pikmin 2
Pikmin 1
Pikmin 1
Pikmin Bloom
Pikmin Bloom
Hey! Pikmin
Hey! Pikmin

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Pikmin 4 is alright. It's cute, it's funky and it has a dog. You can never really go wrong with Pikmin, and I had a good time with it. However I think there's something that just appeals to me more about Pikmin 1 and 3. Not necessarily a big fan of the abundance of caves, I'd rather just stay above ground instead.

I would have gotten into Pikmin ages ago if only someone told me it's a puzzle game where you chuck little workers at objects/enemies to accomplish goals of collecting items and killing enemies. Enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. The challenge modes are HARD

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Continuing my first playthrough, completing the last 2 areas, Olimar's campaign, and the Sage Leaf Dandori Challenges.

It was pretty challenging getting back into it starting post-game, but I eventually relearned everything. The amount of challenge was just right I feel, whenever there was something I struggled with (mainly night expeditions) I just took a break and usually got it when I came back.

Both Olimar's Shipwreck tale and the Sage Leaf cave were both really fun challenges and I enjoyed retrying things and trying to get the most efficient route.

There honestly isn't anything bad I can say about this game, I love it so much!!! Heres to hoping there'll be DLC ion the future, but I can always try the previous Pikmin games as well.

When I went into Pikmin 4, I had a feeling that I can only describe as optimistic dread. I was excited for what this game had to offer after loving Pikmin 3 so much, but the knowledge that this game was similar to Pikmin 2 kept me feeling incredibly scared as I started the game. I did not want to relive my experience with that game, and the first time I entered a cave, I braced for all the horror ahead.

But then, by the time I finished the game to completion, I absolutely loved it. To the extent that I would say this is, easily, my favorite entry in the series.

Pikmin 4 is just so incredibly fun to play. The exploration, the combat, the collecting, everything just clicks in such a phenomenally perfect way. Even when playing the original Pikmin and Pikmin 3, I still had to take breaks because the game got a little tiring over time. But that is not the case with Pikmin 4. I could play this game for god damn ever. If they release DLC or randomly generating maps or whatever, I will happily pick this game up again and play through everything that I can!

Though, I do have a few small gripes with it. The biggest being how the game really does not balance the Pikmin types at all. Every game before this one had a maximum of five Pikmin types, but Pikmin 4 goes above and beyond and lets you use every type that was ever seen before! And a new ice type as well! That's awesome! Except well...some feel way more important than others. Red, blue, and yellow are of course always useful, and rock and ice Pikmin have their moments throughout the game. But pink and white Pikmin are basically ignored until the final post-game area. And purple Pikmin will probably never get touched by anyone outside of boss arenas and caves where they're required, and that's just because of the fact that, while the game lets you have all nine Pikmin types, you can only use three at once. So why would you ever use a purple Pikmin over a specialized one? It's just a little befuddling.

And my only other issue is that the game restricts a bunch of content until the very end, when it becomes useless to even get. There's one Otachi ability that you just straight up can't even get unless you rescue every castaway, which involves fighting the final boss. And after you do that...what would you even need that ability for? I don't know...

While I find both of these aspects annoying, they don't fully take away from the experience though. The game was still an incredible joy to play all the way through, and I would strongly recommend it to anyone. Whether you're a fan of the series, or just looking where to start, this is a great entry for anyone.

Please play this game, you'll probably love it.

One of the best first party games on Switch. Could use a couple of QoL updates like being able to turn off Auto-Lock, Night Expeditions not taking a full day, and a New Game Plus, but MAN otherwise this is just everything good about the past three games combined and more. I still might like Pikmin 3 Deluxe a bit more but this is an extremely worthy evolution of the series.

Since I already played Pikmin 3 when I was younger (and didn’t give a shit about Hey!) I had the chance to go ahead and play the newest entry in the series that we had been waiting for close to a decade! And not gonna lie but this was a big let down for me, not only is the great difficulty and hilarious dark humor from the originals gone but it felt as some sort of reboot instead of a continuation like the previous games; I don’t know what happened in development but this felt like some redo for the entire franchise and most of the story parts felt almost absent. However there are great elements at display, next to everything from the past games returns making it the longest and most complete Pikmin package; the areas are very fun to explore and finely crafted (the graphics are also some of the most beautiful ones I’ve ever laid my eyes upon) plus the classic caves make their return (but they’re definitely not as good), if you want a less stressful and far more filling Pikmin experience then this is it but I don’t even think I could recommend it over the first 2 games since I feel those feel more true to the original vision the developers had…