Red Ninja: End of Honor

Red Ninja: End of Honor

released on Mar 03, 2005

Red Ninja: End of Honor

released on Mar 03, 2005

As the power of the samurai class fades, Japan turns to the ninja to uphold political power during chaotic times. One such ninja, Kurenai, lives to avenge her father's death and will go to any means necessary to destroy the Black Lizard Clan. Kurenai is a master of the tetsugen, a wire weapon that can cut off an enemy's head or hang them from a tree, depending on the end attachments used and the length and strength of the weapon's wire. Aggressively employing such tactics as wearing disguises, using womanly wiles, and controlling Ninjutsu powers will help you to escape enemies.

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Its bad, what a surprise. The controls were scientifically designed in a lab by satan himself to be the most unfun thing to grace a human beings hands. Like the camera is inverted horizontally, but not vertically??? Besides the obvious fact that the game controls like pure absolute dogshit, the AI is insanely broken. They just won't notice you like ever, you could kill their friend in front of them and they still wouldn't notice you. If you could somehow get past the terrible controls, there is a mildly ok-ish game with terrible AI and stealth mechanics that don't matter. I would have a easier time trying to play qwop or octodad than this game.

Idk man, this is actually super enjoyable for no good reason. yes the controls suck but there are things you can do as you learn to play the game that make it fun, and I love the mechanics. and the music can be super duper good at times

The game looks enticings and interesting on every aspect until you play it.
It's a stealth game as a whole, with pretty nice combat, however the main issue is that you are fighting the game as opposed to the enemies. Controls are horrendously stiff that will actively try and screew you over, meaning only masochists can see this game through.
Great style and presentation, but the controls just ruin it all.

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This game was a mixed bag, i appareciate this game not trying to exclusively copy Tenchu but instead adds some spin to it in the form of a slight focus on platforming. But maaan these controls are not good for the task: for instance you have to be careful not to hold the stick during tricky places or the main character can start spriting and taking off like a fucking racing jet. In addition, the platforming sections and bosses could range from downright atrocious to pretty ok (Snake Charmer was such an awfully designed fight). When the game is doing the usual Tenchu stuff it's fun actually. Soundtrack was pretty good and story was enjoyable. I wouldn't oppose to a remake to this game.

eu gosto da ideia de um jogo ultra violento em que você controla uma ninja bonita que utiliza da sedução junto de ataques letais que podem rapidamente remover a cabeça do adversário, com os gráficos distintos de ps2 e com um jankzinho incluso. red ninja proporciona isso mas com uns desafios de plataforma que vez ou outra são passáveis, mas que muitas vezes dependem de uma mecânica pouco polida de wall run, que deve ser executado sob o risco de cair em um precipício que te mata e te arremessa pro começo da fase.
até divertidinho. um pouco menos coomer do que a capa implica (ela nem tem esse decote no jogo) mas ainda um tanto coomer. mas não coomer o bastante pra me manter jogando lol

that game can suck my balls, I was nearly finished with the first boss and accidentally found a secret button combo that shoots you back to the title screen, was so annoyed that I never played this again