Silent Hill: The Short Message

Silent Hill: The Short Message

released on Jan 31, 2024

Silent Hill: The Short Message

released on Jan 31, 2024

Silent Hill: The Short Message is a free-to-play Silent Hill spin-off set in modern-day Germany. Players explore a location known as The Villa from a first-person perspective.

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I actually think this subject matter and set up could work perfectly for a Silent Hill release. However, there’s two big problems with this execution:

1) The “gameplay” is non-existent. Watching a video on YouTube will give you the same experience.

2) The subject matter is tackled with all the subtlety and elegance of Mudvayne lyrics.

I feel more conflicted on this than I thought I would.
It fumbles a LOT, i've gotten a good chuckles out of just how little tact this game displays and just how sterile and devoid of nuanced human emotions it manages to end up having.
But despite it all it has some strong scenes that genuinely caught me off guard and made me feel the way the game intended.
I can also get off its case a little for being a free experience that at the end of day didn't make me feel like it was a complete waste of time

"Look Pim, I know it's our job to help this guy and everything, but I think this guy's a lost cause. He's obviously made up his mind, why don't we just cut our losses and get out of here."

Konami returns to Silent Hill with a bold new game that asks the question: What if Twitter was silent hill and also what if it ran at 12fps.

Less subtle than posting a story with the caption "OMG I'm soooooo depressed. Don't hmu smh nobody likes me :((((((". Every single theme or idea is spelled out in the most plain text possible, and then the game will double down on making it even more obvious in the next shitty note you pick up. And if it still wasn't clear, don't worry, they made sure that every inch of the walls was covered in cringe ass writing. I've played a ton of short indie games that handle similar themes MUCH better, so the length is no excuse for the dogshit writing here.

I don't have a problem with trying to make a "Modern" silent hill, but this is so clearly written by a bunch of adults who have absolutely ZERO concept of how the internet works, so it all reads as one massive "How do you do fellow kids?". I mean, the fact that every single loading screen has a trigger warning with the suicide hotline number should have probably clued everyone in that this was gonna be a bunch of "Im 14 and this is deep" headass bullshit.

Gameplay wise it somehow gets even worse, with these garbage Outlast-style trial and error chase sequences that run like dogshit. The only tension in these comes in the fact if you fail, you have to suffer through the sequence all over again.

There is simply nothing good about this and it's honestly just a bafflingly poor attempt to do... well anything. It throws in like 800 different half-baked ideas that all fail in embarrassing fashion. It's just a hodgepodge of ideas and mechanics from better games, and its hard not to get a bit irritated by seeing Konami go back and rip off P.T. so heavily for this.

Also why the fuck is this set in Germany lmao. That setting adds actually nothing to the game and the building is so generic that it could be found in any developed country. What a brilliant decision to randomly set the game in Germany, then have a cast of Japanese actors, who speak english (except in the FMVs). Konami firing on all cylinders.

Absurdamente bom, infelizmente curtinho! Gráficos lindos, trilha sonora e ambientação impecáveis, gostei bastante do tema abordado, é bem pesado e semelhante o que a gente vê bastante nos dias de hoje!