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Por fin he podido catar Silent Hill: A Short Message. Y manda cojones que una especie de demo/juego Free to Play de apenas tres horitas que intenta beber todo lo que puede del P.T. huela más a Silent Hill que el trailer de propio Silent Hill 2 Remake que enseñaron en el State of Play.

Aunque quizás no debería decir que bebe del P.T., que parece que ahora todo juego de terror en primera persona es una "Copia del P.T." Más que nada porque este, dejando a un lado la "estructura bucle", tiene un lenguaje diferente centrado más en contarte una historia que mediante coleccionables.

Directamente la historia es el punto fuerte que tiene (incluso quizás el único punto tiene). No se molesta en crearte una atmósfera agobiante, ni te mete jumpscares de gratis, que se agradece. Es más un: "Te voy a contar esto y ya". Y lo hace bastante guay, pudiendo tocar la fibra a más de uno.

Básicamente, esto es Silent Hill. Crearte una atmósfera que agobie por una historia personal, con traumas y movidas graves y profundas del ser humano que, a alguno que otro le puede tocar de cerca y ahí es donde empatizas.

Esto es lo que hay que hacer, Bloober Team, dejaos de disparitos!

Everyone saying this is a return to form lied. It feels nothing like SH, and I'm just not in the mood for the agenda they're trying to push in it. This is just Konami trying to recapture the lighting with a bottle from PT and it's not working imo.

silent hill if it was made by a tiktoker

visual e musica, o resto vc já sabe.

Bad things happen BECAUSE OF YOU!!! 😠

No lo veo muy "Silent Hill" ni tampoco noté tanto terror.
Su atmósfera es más bien de opresión y agobio (y sin malditos checkpoints al final).
Sobre el mensaje, está bien que hayan querido contar algo diferente como el bullying o el suicidio. Sin embargo, no le recomiendo el juego a nadie que esté sufriendo depresión por lo duro que es.

It's not as bad as people say
It's a good short experience
I liked the theme of the story, and the papers you read were good , but I didn't like the presentation and characters and the story was shallow
The gameplay is not something new, but it's okey for this type of game and the length of it, the music and sound design were great, the graphics is not something amazing but good
The atmosphere was amazing and the design of that monster was great
The voice acting was not that good
I think silent hill f is the final Chance for Konami to create a great silent hill game
6.5/10 (above average)(good)

the consequences of having a lesbian situationship

Exploitation of mental illness with no prudency or tact. Seriously does not understand the subject matter which it chooses to tackle. A misguided attempt to add weight to an otherwise boring gameplay loop in a underwhelming "proof of concept".

Sure, it's free and meant to basically be a demo. But even then, it's not worth it.
It seemingly wants to approach the topics of mental health, the damage being done by social media, familial abuse, generational trauma, and even more. And that's a noble goal. But it takes on these topics with all the tact and precision of a baseball bat, through clumsy dialogue and just un-fun gameplay.
There have been games that approach these topics over the years, and there should be more, because it's important. But this one is a miss for sure.

For a free Silent Hill game featuring Akira Yamaoka's music, this isn't that bad. But if you really look at it, it kinda is, right?

A Short Message reminds me of that RE7 demo, which is great, but it didn't impact me as much.

Visuals look nice and the atmosphere is eery. The new monster that chases you helps in that regard, since its design is pretty unique. The pacing flows well, keeping you going through this very short experience. I like the delicate theme they've chosen to talk about, the location you're trapped at, and even its lore. The story is ok, I guess, but the soundtrack is what steals the show. As usual.

What's sad is that this experience feels a little empty. Voice acting sucks and it's not convincing at all. The story is fine, but I couldn't care much about the characters. Writing is to blame here, because it's too on the nose. The ending was good, but a bit obvious. One other thing that really bothered me was the chase sequences. The first one is intense, but all the other ones are very messy. ESPECIALLY THAT LAST ONE!

I also missed a bit more of... well, of Silent Hill, actually. RE7 comes to mind again. It's a quite differente from previous ones, but it does give you a Resident Evil experience. A Short Message slightly mentions SH, delivering a glimmer of its tone, thanks to the monster, art direction and the music.

I thought this was going to be a cool introduction to what was coming for the franchise, but it didn't really get me excited. But, hey... it's still free!

Um 2-3 Stunden tot zu schlagen ganz ok aber ich weiß nicht warum sie die Silent Hill IP da drauf klatschen mussten.

Um dos melhores free to plays para se jogar na Playstation, sendo obrigatório para qualquer individuo que possua a consola. Jogo tenso, com uma mensagem poderosa por detrás. Gostei imensamente, apesar das atuações live action serem muitas vezes fracas e "cringe", conseguimos não só apreciar a história e desvendar os segredos por detrás da mesma, como também nos colocar no lugar da Anita, ou até mesmo identificar a critica que o jogo tenta fazer e redimensionar para a nossa própria vida. 1 hora e pouco bem aproveitadas, boa Konami!

for a free game I can’t complain too drastically but
the writing and dialogue is incredibly lame. They had the platform to really say something about suicide and teen depression caused by the online landscape and overall peer toxicity. but it comes across as nothing that hasn’t already been said before.
to label this as a silent hill game really does hurt the franchise’s appearance especially for new players who try it specifically because it’s free

Definitivamente uno de los juegos qué he jugado.

the netflixification of silent hill

devoid of any tacit profundity or narrative complexity, did not handle subject matter in a way that felt sincere or insightful. free fun but yikes

This is the first Silent Hill anything I have ever played and it's safe to say I was a bit disappointed. The storyline was incoherent and seemed to come out half-baked and almost exploited the sensitive topic of mental illness (I know this game is under 2 hours and isn't meant to be awe inspiring). The main character felt annoying and confused all the time. The actual mean and bones of the game (gameplay) was a mess as you just ran away in from an unknown creature (no spoilers) in a maze like room with no indication of what to do or where to go. I feel as I obviously need to revisit the older games (currently waiting for the silent hill 2 remake) but this one just felt underwhelming to me. On to Let's Build a zoo!

This was my first time playing anything "Silent Hill". For a game that has you mostly walking, you walk painstakingly slow. It does try to shake things up by throwing out uninteresting cutscenes and chasing sequences that make no sense, where you have no idea where you're supposed to go. The thing that made me the most uneasy was that the main character has her hair behind her glasses. Who does that?

se voce gostou disso estou desejando a morte mais dolosa possivel, isso aqui nao é silent hill, 1 minuto disso me fez querer enfiar minha cabeca dentro de um moedor de carne, socorro vou mematar

I think I like this game too much? Mechanically, it's pretty nothing, and the chase sequences that fill out the game are never more compelling than they are frustrating and noisy.

But MAN!!! There are some life experiences in this game that, hopefully, won't resonate with you. But if they do? God, this game really speaks well to some deep-seated pains. The ending in particular hit in very cathartic way for me.

This is a fairly interesting addition to the Silent hill family. Its story is NOTHING like a Silent Hill game (except the faint crumbles of PT), but the story is captivating and may not speak to my generation - does speak to the younger generation. The final chase sequence is honestly what ruined a 4/5 star game for me.

Gostei muito da trilha e dos visuais, mas achei a narrativa bem fraca. A Importância e sensibilidade do tema deixa ainda mais evidente esse aspecto.
PS: As referências a P.T só mostram o quanto a Konami está longe de criar o mesmo nível de imersão que o Kojima conseguiu

I think the story was predictable but the environments and the monster were cool, dropped on the final chase sequence and watched the ending on YouTube