Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe

Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe

released on Nov 01, 1990

Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe

released on Nov 01, 1990

Speedball is a futuristic football-like game which takes place on a steel walled floored pitch, 160 feet long by 90 feet wide. There are two teams, and the team scoring the most goals wins. There is a goal at each end of the pitch and a ball warp tunnels in each side of the wall. The warp tunnels can warp a ball from one tunnel to another. The ball is launched from the center of the pit by the automatic launcher in a random direction. There also bounce domes, off of which the ball will be deflected, but over which players are free to move. This version of the game comes with a much better VGA graphics and Sound Blaster sounds. The game-play is also greatly enhanced.

Also in series

Speedball 2: Evolution
Speedball 2: Evolution
Speedball 2 Tournament
Speedball 2 Tournament
Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe
Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe
Speedball 2100
Speedball 2100

Reviews View More

As with all Bitmap Brother games, it's style over substance.

Pretty sure his name was Cazaa.
Dude looks like Cat from Red Dwarf.
As soon as you get promoted, get him.
Then just laugh as he runs rings round every other player on the opposition team.
Until you meet Super Nashwan.
They will break his legs, beat your defence to a pulp and kick you back to the title screen feeling like a loser - even though you literally won 30 games in a row up to that point...

10/10 Deluxe Brutality