Splatoon 3

Splatoon 3

released on Sep 09, 2022

Splatoon 3

released on Sep 09, 2022

Enter the Splatlands, a sun-scorched desert inhabited by battle-hardened Inklings and Octolings. Splatsville, the city of chaos, is the adrenaline-fueled heart of this dusty wasteland. Even in this desolate environment, Turf War reigns supreme and battles rage in new stages located in the surrounding wilds. Dynamic new moves help these fighters dodge attacks and cover more ground, along with a new bow-shaped weapon to sling ink.

Also in series

Splatoon 3: Side Order
Splatoon 3: Side Order
Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2

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Das Spiel ist bald seit 2 Jahren draußen, die Anzahl der Karten hat sich verdoppelt, jede Waffenklasse bekam eine neue Waffe und jede (neue) Waffe erhielt dazu ein neues Kit. Es wird weiterhin viel verändert und während es oftmals so aussah, als wären die Änderungen "zu wenig" oder sogar schlecht, muss ich sagen dass sich Nintendo mittlerweile wieder gefangen hat. Natürlich existieren Kernprobleme wie ständige Disconnects noch, allerdings wurde sehr viel an der QoL verbessert, besonders die Maps muss ich hierbei loben, viele der alten Karten wurden besser und auch die neuen lassen sich deutlich besser spielen. Definitiv der beste Teil der Reihe, ich kann problemlos weiterhin hier etliche Stunden reinstecken.

As a Splatoon Fan, Splatoon 3 is 9/10 Game in my personal opinion, despite flaws, maps, negativity in this game, and so on.

Anyways, i will revisit this game once i got through Grand Festival. One thing i hate, is Salmon Run....

Splatoon 3 is still my favorite PvP Game, better than CoD, and Fortnite.

i DO love this game but it has many flaws that it can only make me look forward to splatoon 4 and hope they fix everything

buckle your fuckles, everyone. I'm dropping the silly shticks and actually describing my honest thoughts in detail about a game for once

so it's been about two years, right. with everything we've been subjected to, I think enough time has passed for me to say I Do Not Like Splatoon 3 All That Much

salmon run, side order, and some of the QoL bits like for movement and character customization carry it on their backs. everything else is either a downgrade from how it was in 2 (music, splatfests, stages, etc.), didn't add anything of value (tableturf), or just didn't need to be there and only made the experience worse (cough cough, the catalog and it's inherent FOMO/stress that turns the game into a daily obligation rather than something fun, cough cough). not to mention they neuter genuinely cool new ideas for no good reason, like big run being a severely limited event, and they make grinding for new currencies and items absolutely rancid. looking back, I think it says a lot that even when I was interested in a splatfest for 3, I didn't end up playing it 90% of the time. it says a lot that I've barely been able to pick the game back up after the first season, despite playing 2 religiously when it was new. 3 sucked out the magic in nearly every area

I don’t even look back on revenge of the mammalians all that fondly. there was some fun to be had, but it mostly felt like a shallow imitation of octo expansion with almost none of what made it as good as it was. less memorable stages, a mostly unremarkable ost, and an unnecessary hub world that only ever got in the way. the final boss was the only portion I could ever remember or say was genuinely noteworthy. not the overall climax like octo expansion, just the final boss. and honestly I think that speaks for itself

side order’s release was really the only period where I was able to forget all my woes with the game and just enjoy it. it was a legit great mode that offered a new twist, and I liked seeing the 2 cast and hub return. it was like coming home. but even then, it still doesn’t hold a candle to octo expansion in literally any regard. I don’t hold that against this mode, mind you, I’m just saying it because it's relevant to this whole thing

I know I'm coming off as really biased right now, considering most people at least seem to prefer 3. but I genuinely believe 2 was, and still is, a better overall experience. it may have a slightly weaker salmon run, a more standard single-player mode, and none of the new mobility or player customization options in 3, but it makes up for that by just feeling more consistent and well-realized. 3, meanwhile, feels like it’s mostly made up of ideas that didn’t get past the first draft, that the devs didn’t consider the extreme downsides of. seriously, the splatfest biases this time around were fucking abysmal. there’s just so much about 3 that I disagree with on a fundamental level, which I honestly can’t say about 2 despite any flaws it may have itself

I can't even say the community surrounding the game helped make it any better. everything feels miserable all the time, and so much of my experience in the main modes was filled with way more tryhards and toxic players than I ever saw in 2. that only helps to suck out the fun. this game feels like it was deliberately made to alienate anyone who wasn't willing to completely sell their soul to the point of neglecting other responsibilities in life

sorry for such a longass log, especially since this is so far out of what you'd normally expect from me, but it’s been on my mind recently since the game seems like it'll be on it's way out soon. it did bring me some good times, especially with friends, and I will always appreciate that. but it has frustrated me on so many levels, and I don’t expect to ever go back to it once all is said and done, not even for side order. I’m just gonna keep stanning 2 and can only hope the next game is better.

all that being said...

...deep cut is peak