Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

released on Jul 15, 2003

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

released on Jul 15, 2003

Choose Your Path! Set 4,000 years before the Galactic Empire, you are the last hope for the Jedi Order and the Republic - can you master the ways of the Force to become their savior? Or will you fall to the dark side and achieve ultimate power? Hero, villain, peacekeeper, or chaos-bringer... you and your party will determine the fate of the galaxy! Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a role-playing video game. Players will be able to create their own characters and be able to choose what gender, appearance, class, skills, attributes, and feats they have throughout the game - no two characters will be the same!

Also in series

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Remake
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Remake
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords

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Tried it for twenty minutes but I realized quick that I probably didn’t want to play a whole game of this. Maybe someday!

soooooo good, controls are a bit janky, but the story makes up for it

The best RPG made to this day

Visuals are great for a game came out in 2003 but it's not that much of a "great" RPG as much as people exaggerate. Because it basically pushes you towards being a saint rather than being indifferent and allowing both sides to obtain equal amount of XP. The areas are small and extremely mundane. There are no fast travel options except going back to the base and vice versa. The main character runs on slow-motion as if we're in Baywatch the TV show which makes going to somewhere even more boring. There are tons of loading screens. The combat is mid and it doesn't require any ind of intelligence whatsoever.

And last but not the least, there are tons of patches to install and tons of things to do in order to run the game on fullscreen which, is also another con.

Kotor 1 is TFA of old canon. It has nothing going on for it except for nostalgia goggles and Star Wars title. Without it nobody would remeber this shit.
>Story is riping off OT and Racing from TPM.
>Setting is as uninspired as TFA one.
>Every character is boring and bland except for HK-47 who is far more interesting in sequel. And most of his most memorable quotes are from Kotor 2 anyway.
>Twist is ridiculously predictable
>Darth Revan is just Anakin/Vader with worse design. And there is nothing more to him.
>Darth Malak is probably the worst villain that ever existed in Star Wars. He is neither scary, intimidating, interesting or anything. And looks like from capeshit. Even Kylo Ren is better.
>Writing is abysmal
>Only good planet is Korriban.
>Combat is trash and doesn't work in action based way like Jedi Knight series or tactical one like other party based crpg
>Half of skills are useless.
It's shit. Everything people like about kotor comes from sequel. even if they don't realize this. Only thing that makes Revan good and interesting comes from 2, that is possibily that he didn't fall to the dark side, but wanted to take over Republic and prepare it to face True Sith. That he thought that his rule will be lesser evil than what could happen without him.
Kotor 1 is sort of fun for romancing Bastilla, but sequel has better grills. And better companions. And interactions with them. And better fights. And better setting. And ridiculously better villains. And better story. And better protagonist. In fact it adds depth and make companions from 1 actually interesting like Canderous, HK-47 and T3-M4.
Kotor 2 is in every single way superior and actually stays true to core of Star Wars, while all Kotor 1 takes from SW are flashlights.

One of the few real crown jewels in the original Xbox library for me. A Star Wars RPG sounded like a slam dunk and fortunately it was. The way Bioware were able to explore an untapped time period definitely helped, and their knack for memorable characters is in full-force. The story's mostly standard light side/dark side Star Wars stuff, but does obviously have one of the most memorable twists in gaming history. Gameplay is pretty good, I had a hard time understanding the modifiers as a kid but got the hang of it eventually. I feel like I always just ended up Flurrying with a double-blade lightsaber, and the sound effects were always great. I wish this series had kept going with single player RPGs, I think 2 is excellent as well. The MMO wasn't bad at all, but I fell off it pretty quick