The Talos Principle

The Talos Principle

released on Dec 11, 2014

The Talos Principle

released on Dec 11, 2014

The Talos Principle is a philosophical first-person puzzle game from Croteam, the creators of the legendary Serious Sam series, written by Tom Jubert (FTL, The Swapper) and Jonas Kyratzes (The Sea Will Claim Everything).

Also in series

The Talos Principle II: Road to Elysium
The Talos Principle II: Road to Elysium
The Talos Principle II
The Talos Principle II

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Philosophically inclined puzzle game with snippets about what embodies life and sapience, using passages from Greek, Egyptian, and (to a lesser degree) Medieval culture.

The world within Talos Principle is quiet and isolated with very little actual dialogue (barring the text documents found within the monitors found everywhere), but I think that helps to encourage players to focus on solving puzzles and ponder the meaning of life and the perpetuation of human civilization.

The puzzles themselves can be challenging on occasion, but the vast majority of them aren't too tedious or obtuse to solve (only had to look up a guide to solve about three due to improper communication of the properties of a puzzle mechanic though)

I'd say the most annoying part about the game is finding all the gold stars across the levels to unlock the silver level challenges. They aren't even required to get the true ending of the game. Completing the all the silver levels do unlock a third ending, but I personally found it underwhelming for the effort required for it. Just stick with getting the first two endings if you want the full experience (There's a DLC if you crave even more puzzles, but it isn't crucial to the main story. Even partially contradicts it).

Generally interesting philosophical ponderings fill the gaps between mechanical puzzles, and it's a pretty good mix.
The philosophy ties in nicely with the story and the difficulty curve is paced well. Aesthetically a bit boring but it serves the themes/setting so whatever.
I really like the QR codes, they're a neat idea.

не дошел до того, где по сюжету начинается что-то интересное (если начинается, я хз) из -за того насколько здесь унылый геймплей

Greater than the sum of its parts, The Talos Principle is an excellent addition to the puzzle genre, one that's challenging but always fair, easy to play but always mysterious. The visuals are super clean and colorful. The quantity of puzzles is staggering. Weird as it may seem in a game like this, the story is actually the thing I remember the most. Specifically, the conversations with the Milton Library Assistant are engaging and sometimes unpleasant. You just have to experience it for yourself.

This is still a puzzle game through and through, and solving these puzzles is what you'll spend 90% of your time doing. Every puzzle mechanic is used with each other in every combination quite nicely, and the game allows for a lot of freedom when it comes to which puzzle you want to attempt next. The only downside to The Talos Principle is the overused puzzle involving tetris pieces. When tackled sporadically they aren't too bad, but they could've used a bit more variety. This is an excellent puzzle game that will challenge you with its puzzles and please you with its graphics and atmosphere. Highly recommend.

(posted on Steam on December 28, 2015)

Croteam takes a break from making games for the lizard brain and delivers an exceedingly clever, brilliantly crafted puzzle experience. The puzzles that test reflexes over logic put a damper on things (pretty much all of the worst puzzles have you finessing around roving bombs that home in on you when you're too close) and there's a few tetromino puzzles too many, but this is still the best Portal since Portal.

My nickname came from this game.