The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day

The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day

released on Sep 22, 2016

The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day

released on Sep 22, 2016

The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day is an story-driven adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic world. You see it from the perspective of an engineering robot RT-217NP, who seems to be very curious about the human race, long extinct in wasting wars. Experience the mysterious vibe of each of carefully explored locations. Test your skills, solving diverse puzzles. Make fateful decisions and discuss intriguing matters to find out the whole truth being kept from you.

Also in series

The Uncertain: Light at the End
The Uncertain: Light at the End

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The controls are terribly crooked, especially when passing through a location with cameras and turrets. The visual plot and the soundtrack are gorgeous. It's a great game, even if it's a little short.

Not a bad game, surprisingly created by Russian developers.
Good plot and overall idea. Great visualization. There are many Easter eggs. Short in time. The gameplay is a bit reminiscent of Telltale games. There are problems with optimization.

i liked this game, even though ultimately you're just going through the motions to progress the plot

clunky controls were my biggest issue, especially movement when camera angles changed, it does that classic thing of trying to maintain current momentum even tho your input no longer aligns with where you're moving and just ... feels really fucking bad

but whatever

the voice acting was kind of laughable but because it was robots it worked?

it's a shame people don't seem to like the sequel, but i'll still try to grab it on sale at some point

The game definitely had potential to be a nice short game, but it felt really empty and boring, with the voice acting just making me wanna turn it off.

A game where humans have long gone extinct and robots have made their own civilization. But have they really gone extinct?

In The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day, you play as RT-217NP, RT for short, who is a robot without clear purpose in life for themselves. They are a rebel, avoiding system updates from the robot government and trying to develop their own ways. It's an interesting sci-fi dystopian adventure game where the story leads RT to be forced to participate in a rebel organization, who wish to protect the humans, if there are any left.

The game is more of a point and click game where you interact with things and read notes. The way you move forward in this game seems to be really slow and even when the story gives you a sense or urgency, it feels like the main character is moving very slowly, even when pressing the run button.

The voice acting was mediocre, but I do appreciate that all of the actors tried to do a good robot voice. My favorite voice was probably for one of the Medic robot characters. The dialogue feels often limiting and you don't get to explore all choices in the dialogue trees. The game heavily relies on building a foundation for the next game, and doesn't really get that interesting during this one, sadly, but besides that, it still made me want to play the next game as well, which is a good thing.

With all that, I do think it's an entertaining intro to a larger story, but on it's own I don't think it really holds up. So if you do decide to get the game, try getting this one and the Light At The End as well, and maybe getting them at a combined discounted prize. I enjoyed it, but it can get boring, however, I still think it's worth a recommendation.

Un juego point and click bastante rápido con una trama muy sencillita que se ha indagado en muchos medios sobre el futuro, la humanidad y los robots en la sociedad. Pero no creo que valga mucho la pena salvo que esté rebajado a muy bajo precio.

Es cortito y en parte me ha parecido entretenido por eso, por la simpleza de la historia y ha sido más para echarme una tarde a jugar a algo por no saber a qué jugar. El estilo y diseño de varios personajes (los robots vamos) son sencillos y fáciles de reconocer, me parecen una monada. El mundo como tal no me parece lo más interesante : clásica ciudad sin humanos y que tampoco aparenta ser muy del futuro quitando avances tecnológicos como coches o pantallas por todos lados ; me agrada que cuando se tratan de historias sobre el futuro mantengan esa con ciertos avances tecnológicos sin parecerse una utopía pero no quita que es bastante aburrido el entorno.

Ahora mecánicamente deja mucho que desear y se nota que es el primer juego y más siendo point and click. A diferencia de la secuela (que esa tela marinera), el movimiento es tosco y da igual si estás con mando o teclado y ratón, a la hora de seleccionar, mover cámara y moverte siento que se hace un esfuerzo por hacer las cosas y hay que ''calibrar'' bien, por ejemplo cuando quieres seleccionar diálogo o interactuar es fácil en mando porque solo tienes que seleccionar los botones A,X,Y o B, pero en ratón ya tienes que apuntar, darle a la interacción y es una eternidad que el personaje realice la acción. Ya no solo eso, el personaje siempre se tiene que reposicionar y hacer un recorrido para hacer la acción en vez de pasar ya en hacer la interacción para que no sea tan lento y tosco.

Me ha pasado también que cuando corro no siento que vaya rápido y ya me ha pasado que se pone algo buggy al correr y volver a caminar, cosa que no ayuda porque, de nuevo, la sensación de lentitud se repite y solo me entran ganas de que termine el juego de una vez.

Y la historia es super mega sencilla, estoy confundida ahora en si explican el dilema como pasa en la secuela o simplemente se quedan en una explicación muy superficial y decir a bueno, pues te toca hacer estas misiones que te hemos encomendado en este mundo que no estás del todo familiarizado. No es del otro mundo la historia pero sí que habría estado bien puntualizar cómo está el mundo, no solo decir que hay unos robots ''malos'' y otros ''buenos'' y que los ''buenos'' buscan y protegen a los humanos.

Para pasar una tarde y dos horas muertas que no tienes mucho que hacer está bien pero seguramente en un tiempo me olvidaré que este juego existe por lo mediocre que llega a ser.