Weird West

released on Mar 31, 2022

Discover a dark fantasy reimagining of the Wild West where lawmen and gunslingers share the frontier with fantastical creatures. Journey through the origin stories of a group of atypical heroes, written into legend by the decisions you make in an unforgiving land. Each journey is unique and tailored to the actions taken - a series of high stakes stories where everything counts and the world reacts to the choices you make. Form a posse or venture forth alone into an otherworldly confines of the Weird West and make each legend your own.

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I got addicted to the rpg elements. Stealing to upgrade gear, buying materials, hunting bounties. Enjoyed it more and played it more than the main story itself. It's fun being super OP.

The game does some great things, things catch on fire, then cook. You know the BOTW kind of mechanics. Only kinds weird part is the ending. It's just a collection of dialog choices.

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Not a big fan of the multiple characters/roguelite parts, but the abilities and different races are cool. Interesting world, combat not amazing but fine, and nice art style.

Presents many interesting choices such as "Shall I handle this fight by spending half my mana to perform a convoluted magic trick that won't work or by spending a sixth of my mana to go into Bullet Time and gun down everyone in a one mile radius?"

Lo más original que he jugado este año, de lejos. He entrado ciego al juego sin saber muy bien de que iba y me he quedado sorprendido de cojones con lo que ofrece.

No quiero hacer ningún tipo de spoiler pero recomiendo MUCHISIMO jugarlo, creo que no te vas a encontrar otro juego así en el mercado, cumple unas funciones muy especificas para un publico muy especifico.

Si el juego tuviese una hipotética segunda parte para poder rectificar y mejorar algunos aspectos algo carentes, podríamos estar hablando de uno de los mejores juegos de la industria de verdad lo creo así.

Pero solo puedo recomendar jugarlo sin saber nada, es una experiencia realmente positiva.

Revivió el gaming señores.

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On the first character you play as, there's an encounter where a witch gives you a box and warns you not to open it. This box transfers automatically between characters, unlike any other item in the game. On the final character you play as, she finally takes the box back and rewards you for not opening it. The reward? 20 shotgun shells.

Hikâyesinin en sonda saçma sapan bir şeye bağladığını hatırlıyorum. Pek de iyi olmasa da ilginç olmasıyla vakit geçirtebilen bir oyun.