Reviews from

in the past

A masterpiece, incredible step up from the NES games in the series. Love the characters and story, love the setting with multiple overworld maps, simple but satisfying character progression in combat. Challenging but way more forgiving than original FF3, thank god for the introduction of save points. Maybe my most replayed FF across the SNES, PS1, GBA, 3DS, and Pixel Remaster version. Probably the most beginner-friendly of the classics

An incredible, towering achievement from one of the best JRPG developer dream teams ever assembled. The time travel story is fascinating, the characters are incredibly strong, the music is phenomenal. The combat is pretty simple, satisfying ATB stuff, but I love that the characters have unique identities in combat and the variety of dual techs is fun to experiment with. I feel like I sometimes lose steam in a playthrough towards the back half, but I've played through it so many times anyway. Frog and Ayla are always my go-to team with Crono. The huge variety of endings was also incredibly novel for the time.