Reviews from

in the past

Metal Slug is back, for the better or worse.

Metal Slug 4 is the game that revived the franchise after the massively long hiatus of 2 years since Metal Slug 3, this time being published by a fairly unknown Korean company called Mega which primarily just published Japanese games to the Korean market, though they were involved in the development of this game. Since Nazca was disbanded after the release of Metal Slug 3, the development team this time was Noise Factory, they seemed to have mostly worked on Fighting games rather than 2D Platformers and unfortunately, it showed with Metal Slug 4 being the result of this drastic change of developers for the franchise.

The game itself is still like Metal Slug 3, it plays the same with very few additions other than the double machine gun just being a variation of the heavy machine gun, and a few slugs that aren't really fun to play with.
The stages aren't really fun to play on, the enemy balance is really poorly dealt with and it's easy to get swarmed by enemies with no weapons on to deal with, the bosses are not particularly hard but not really fun either, with the final stage being most the worst one of the franchise so far.

Other than Nadia and Trevor being pretty cool new characters this game is the weakest of the bunch in general, the soundtrack is forgettable, the background art is pretty weak and shows a lot of reuse art from the older games, and the new enemies are all forgettable, the stage are generally pretty poorly designed/boring.
As a new Metal Slug game it's serviceable, as a sequel to the amazing Metal Slug 3 it's terrible.