Reviews from

in the past

Playtime: 7 Hours
Score: 7/10

A fun and interesting horror action game! Never heard of this game until I watched GmanLives review of it on YouTube and it seemed right my alley! So what did think after playing it?

I liked the mood and atmosphere of the game with it being set on a prison island and all the inmates being turned into vicious monsters. I love the designs for them too being based on different kinds of prisoner executions. And of course you have the big monster that your main character turns into which can be fun when you want to smack enemies around or get out of a tough fight easily. I also enjoyed the ability to switch from first to third person with a push of a button, kind of like a Bethesda RPG and it was quite unique to have in a horror game.

While some of the horror is pretty decent, this is very much more of an action horror game, similar to something like Resident Evil 4. But I think the game balanced it all very well. The game also features a bit of a morality system which helps shape's the main character's past and whether he actually did the crime to get the time. While some choices are obvious, there are some optional ones that I feel help test your own morality as a player and I felt rewarded when I made those choices.

Only issue this game has is that the last two levels are absolutely awful and they can leave a bad taste in your mouth. The ending is alright, but the actual bosses are kind of lame, especially the second last one which is just terribly designed.

But still a fun horror game overall. Thankfully GOG did the work of restoring this game and its sequel, which I look forward to playing at some point.

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