Reviews from

in the past

After finishing Frogun Encore, the half-expansion half-sequel to 2022's Frogun, I instantly had to download the original again. Not to go for the platinum or because I was just craving more frog gun action, but to make sure I wasn't crazy. I remembered giving the original game 2 stars for its clunky controls, awful camera, and bloated length. However, Encore didn't suffer from a single one of these problems. The added movement options like a double jump and the grapple launch made every moment fluid, the camera was high above the action and made making even the most difficult jumps seem fair and I was in and out within about 4 hours. From where I stood, Encore was a complete delight compared to the original, so much so that I even wanted to go for the platinum (which for the record is busted at the moment I believe. There are two coins that appear to be unattainable and nonexistent in the level Mossy Castle Wall. If anyone knows what's going on there, let me know.). So I had to download the original Frogun, just to make sure it didn't just catch me at a bad time, and wouldn't you know it...yeah, this one is just leagues better in every single way. I'd gladly take more of these if they kept this level of fluidity. Big props to Molegato for turning this series around and making something worth grappling towards!