Reviews from

in the past

Top jogos do Ps1.
Apesar dos controles de tanque e os poligonos do Ps1 terem envelhecido como leite eu ainda recomendo demais esse jogo.
Mesmo sendo o primeiro ele não perde muito pras suas sequencias em nada que não seja culpa do tempo. A atmosfera, ambientação e conceitos que fizeram todos amarem a franquia já estavam todos ali (Btw a ideia da nevoa é genial pra resolver as limitações da epoca)

É pog podem jogar.

(Alessa My Beloved)

(Eu odeio a ultima area.)

What an experience, in more ways than one...

The story was honestly great. First off, Harry Mason? Definitely a contender for best video game dad. No amount of man-made horrors beyond his comprehension will deter this man from finding his daughter. You can call it bad, but I think his voice acting just sells how much he doesn't care about anything other than his objective, despite how absolutely fucked up Silent Hill is. The rest of the cast felt kinda secondary. Apart from Dahlia, there's no else you can really care about, they're just there. Cybil? Didn't care. Lisa? Sad, but ultimately indifferent. Kaufmann? Lol

The other experience comes from the gameplay. This was my first "tank controls" type game, and it took some getting used to, but it wasn't so bad. Walking around the foggy town was just as interesting and unnerving as everyone else makes it out to be.
My god, the puzzles though. I applaud anyone who legitimately solved the school piano puzzle. And a special fuck you to the blood bag in the otherworld hospital blending in with the environment so well that it took me quite some time to find it.

The environment is great, the game's age and design give it such a vibe, there wasn't a single place where I didn't feel unsettled and alone.
Wandering around in the city, whether it was nighttime or foggy, hearing the radio static grow and shrink as I progressed to the next destination, it all made me uneasy all the time despite how easy it is to cheese some of the wandering enemies. I commend it for taking a technical difficulty and making it work so well

Honestly. don't let this game's age get to you. It's a beautiful experience beginning to end, with some weird voice acting in between (at least to me, the only other Konami game I played was MGS1 and that had some solid voice acting. They couldn't care to give this one some too?)